Chapter Seventeen

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After breakfast Harry, Draco, Ron and Hermione headed to potions. Both couples were hand in hand. "You two go in. I need to speak to Harry quickly," Draco said, outside the potions classroom. Ron and Hermione nodded while heading inside. "Harry I need to ask you something. What are your plans for the summer?" Draco asked sweetly, linking both hands with Harry's. "Well I don't particularly have any plans. Why?" Harry asked in reply. He also lent forward and softly kissed Draco's lips. "I was thinking. Would you like to come home with me for summer? I just thought it would be better than your usual plans and maybe I could introduce you to mother as my fia..." Draco said really nervously and quickly but Harry cut him off with a kiss. "I would love to Dray. I want your parents to know but if they don't accept it I'll always be here for you. Always," Harry whispered. Draco smiled, grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him into potions. Both boys assumed their normal seats at the back of the classroom. "Thank god Snape's not here. He would kill us for being late," Draco muttered while gripping Harry's hand. Harry agreed. Just then both boys felt something appear behind them. "I'm sure he would," Snape spat out. "20 points from Gryffindor and Slytherin. As well as detention after lessons today," he exclaimed as he made his way to the front of the class.

*Time skip to Harry and Draco's detention*

Harry clambered up from his seat in divination. Every lesson without Dray next to him felt lonely. "Hey mate. You coming to quidditch tonight?" Ron asked as he got up. Both of them walked out of the classroom into the corridor. "Nah sorry. I've got that dt with Snape. See you in the common room later," Harry said departing from his friend. As he walked towards potions someone grabbed his waist and spun him around. "Hello my sexy fiancé," Draco said whilst kissing Harry. Harry let out a slight chuckle. "Is that my new name now?" He asked. Draco nodded as they walked hand in hand into the classroom. "Harry, Draco. Sit down. I think we have something to discuss," Snape said whilst staring at the boy's hands. It was at this point that they both figured out the reason for this. Snape must have seen the rings and wanted to ask in private. I mean he did have the right. He was Draco's godfather. The boys pulled two chairs up to the teacher's desk. "So. Care to explain," Snape said, motioning to the boys. "Sev, you do know about mine and Harry's relationship yes?" Draco asked. Severus nodded. "Well, Draco and I had an argument. He thought I didn't love him. But I really do. So to prove my love for him. I proposed. We bought the rings in Hogsmeade yesterday. I hope you don't disapprove," Harry told him nervously. Snape thought for a moment but then slightly smiled. Something Harry had never seen him do. "No matter how much I hate you, Potter. If you make my godson happy, then I approve. I'm happy for you both. When will you tell your family?" Severus asked. Draco smiled and replied, "we're planning for Harry to come home with me for summer." Snape nodded and dismissed them both. They bundled out of the classroom and immediately fell into each other's arms. Draco pulled Harry into a kiss and then muttered into his ear, "wanna have some fun?" Harry nodded and pulled Draco to the Gryffindor common room.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now