Chapter Fourteen

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Harry and Draco were laid in bed, completely naked, after that night's events. Draco was running his hands through Harry's hair whilst Harry was stroking the patch of skin on Draco forearm. The patch of skin home to the dark mark. The Gryffindor followed the curves of the snake with his thumb. "Stop Harry," Draco muttered. Harry looked into the pale boy's mercury eyes. "Why babe? I don't care. That's who you were. Not who you are," Harry said with a smile. Draco sat up and looked slightly angry. "Please just stop," he said a bit louder. "But Dray, I don't ca..." Harry replied but was cut off. "HARRY I ASKED YOU TO STOP. HOW CAN YOU LOVE ME WITH THIS PIECE OF SHIT ON MY ARM. YOU DESERVE SO MUCH MORE. I'M JUST A PATHETIC SLYTHERIN BOY WHO'S FAMILY WOULD NEVER ACCEPT ME FOR WHO I AM AND MADE ME BECOME A DEATH EATER," Draco shouted, letting tears fall down his cheeks. By this point, he was pacing the room. Luckily, the Slytherin's only shared rooms with one person and Draco's roommate seemed to be asleep m. "Dray stop, calm down," Harry said softly. "I CAN'T CALM DOWN. YOU DON'T LOVE ME. NOBODY DOES," Draco yelled, getting more frustrated. "FOR FUCK SAKE DRAY. OF COURSE I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE MY ABSOLUTE WORLD. MY ROCK. I WANT TO LOVE YOU FOREVER. DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY," Harry yelled back. He managed to compose himself enough to kneel down on one knee. Harry grabbed Draco's quivering hands and smiled up at him. By this point, Draco was shaking with confusion and happiness. "Draco Lucius Malfoy. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Harry asked softly. There were tears of joy forming in Draco's eyes. "I would be honoured," the Slytherin replied. Harry's grin grew wider and he jumped up and pulled Draco into a hug. "I love you so much, Dray. Don't ever think that I don't," Harry whispered into Draco's shoulder. He pulled swayed and kissed Draco. "I love you too. My beautiful fiancé," Draco replied with a grin. They kissed again with smiles on both of the boy's faces.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now