Chapter Twenty - Five

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"What's wrong with Hermione Professor? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Where is she?" Ron asked protectively. The four of them stopped for a minute in the middle of the hallway. "Miss Granger has gone missing. All the teachers that can have searched for miles and there is still no sign of her. We fear she may have been kidnapped," McGonagall said. Instantly, Ron fell to the floor sobbing. Harry and Draco wrapped their arms around his shoulders trying to comfort him. All that trying and it was all gone. " who Professor?" Draco asked quietly. "We're not entirely sure yet Mr Malfoy, but we have a hunch. We believe it could have been Voldemort." This caused another round of sobs coming from the mess of a ginger boy. That's it. Hermione was gone. Ron would never have his true love back. "You two boys take Mr Weasley back to your dormitory. I'm going to speak to Professor Snape. I will instantly alert you if we get any news," the professor told the boys. They nodded and helped Ron along the corridor.

*Time skip to that night*

Harry and Draco were the only ones still awake. The only thing that was going through their minds was Hermione. "Dray, I need to talk to you. Let's go downstairs," the raven-haired boy whispered. They climbed out of bed and stumbled downstairs. Once they arrived Harry cast a silencing charm around the whole room. He figured there would be some shouting. "So baby. What did you want to talk about?" Draco asked, pulling Harry into his lap. "Well I'm I was thinking. I'm going l help McGonagall save Hermione. She's my best friend I fe..." Harry explained but was cut off. "WHAT THE FUCK! NO YOU ARE NOT GOING! I AM NOT LOSING YOU! IT WAS BAD ENOUGH NEARLY LOSING YOU! YOU ARE STAYING HERE!" Draco yelled. See, shouting. "Dray please listen. She's my best friend. I have to help her," Harry replied quietly. "NO! I DO NOT WANT TO HERE IT HARRY! YOU ARE STAYING AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE MY MIND!" Harry stared down at his feet. "Dray ple..." he muttered but was cut off without even being able to say a sentence. By something neither of them imagined. Draco slapped Harry clear across the cheek. Both boys stood in shock as a large red mark started to form on Harry's face. Instantly Draco crumpled and ran upstairs. Harry was left by himself in the cold room. "FUCK YOU MALFOY! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" He yelled out in frustration. Harry knew he didn't mean it. So why did he say it? That was one question he couldn't answer. With that the small boy curled up in a ball, on the floor, crying and fell asleep.

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz