Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Okay, so quick little author note. Guys it's literally been over a year since I've updated this story and let me tell you why. I write his story from scratch, no planning or story line just grab my laptop and type. But for ages I haven't had any inspiration or motivation to write this. However, last night I literally woke up at 2am with my brain full of ideas for this book so I spent another hour typing them on to notes on my phone. So I hope you guys enjoy and do expect more frequent uploads. Also, this book is so close to 50k reads. You guys are fucking awesome!!

It had been three weeks since the couple and spoken to each other. Occasionally they would catch the others eye but never for too long. The minute one of them noticed, the eye contact was gone and their hearts broke even more. All of Harry and Draco's friends had started to notice how tired and distraught they seemed. Even Hermione. It had been discovered that the girl was simply on a walk and got lost in the forest. Needless to say, Ron was over the moon when he realised nothing had gone wrong.

However, Draco and Harry's relationship was at breaking point. Every night, when Draco's day was finally over and he headed up to bed, the boy would be greeted with the closed curtains of Harry's bed. For the first couple of days, Draco had tried to talk to Harry. Just simple things such as telling him he was sorry and telling him that he still loved the boy no matter what. However, with no success of a response, Draco gave up after five days. Little did he know that Harry heard every sound that came out of the blonde's mouth. Every apology, every 'I love you', every quiet whisper or sob when everyone else was asleep. He didn't feel worth it though. He didn't believe anything that Draco was telling him even though, deep down, he knew everything was true. Why didn't he believe Draco? Because the voices in his head kept repeating 'He's lying', or 'Nobody will ever love you', or their favourite phrase 'You should kill yourself. Nobody cares'. And Harry believed them. So every night, after his final class for the day, Harry would race upstairs. He would climb into his bed, draw the curtains and cast a silencing charm around the posts. Then he would sit there, for hours every night, screaming and crying about how he was a useless human being. He would scream responses to Draco but they weren't the ones Draco would want to hear. To Draco's 'I'm sorry', Harry would scream 'I don't care'. To Draco's small quiet sobs, Harry responded with 'Shut up! I can't think straight'. And then to Draco's 'I love you', Harry would repeat 'You don't! Nobody does! How could they'. And it was this that kept Harry what he liked to call sane, but really it was a state of deep depression filled with anger, cries for help and the constant overwhelming crushing fear that something terrible was about to happen.

It was a normal Wednesday morning for Draco, except for the fact that something felt extremely off. He'd got up, showered, dressed and packed with the usual looming cloud of loneliness over him. But that wasn't the worst thing this morning. The worst thing was the fact that Draco had awakened and noticed Harry's bed ruffled and empty. It sent tidal waves of panic through the boy until he realised, Harry wouldn't want to be found and especially not by him. Although, Harry was in quite the opposite situation this morning. One that he could not even manifest in his brain all of three weeks ago. As Draco headed downstairs, the pit of worry still deep in his chest, he stopped at the bottom of the stairs. The backpack he'd slung on one shoulder slipped to the ground, landing with a thud, and his mouth dropped open slightly. Sat in the far corner of the Gryffindor common room, being swallowed by an armchair, was Harry. His Harry that he'd been going crazy from not speaking to. Draco stepped forward hesitantly but stopped, about five metres from the raven-haired boy. There were things different with him and things that broke Draco's heart. After taking a look at Harry's frame, Draco had noticed just how skinny he was. He looked just like a stick figure with skin stretched over his bones. His emerald eyes were no longer sparkling but they were dull and bloodshot from crying, with deep purple bags accentuating just how little sleep Harry had been getting. His skin was stark white with small blotches of redness and bruises, which both seemed to be self-inflicted. His usually perfectly styled hair was now sticking up in every direction and no longer shiny, but limp. Harry was quietly sobbing to himself, constantly wiping his eyes or nose on his sweater sleeve. He also seemed to be completely oblivious to the tall boy now merely a meter away from him. Draco's heart broke as he watched the love of his life hiccup from crying while the tears kept flowing down his sunken cheeks. With the last ounce of hope in his body, Draco stood up a little taller and whispered, "Harry?" The raven-haired boy looked up suddenly and his eyes were met with the once-gleaming mercury orbs of his soul mate. Harry seemed to collect the last ounce of energy he could find to slowly stutter, "I...I'm so...sorry Draco."  

[Afterwards...] {Draco X Harry FF}Where stories live. Discover now