Chapter Nine

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Harry ran through the corridors. He hadn't found Draco yet and he was starting to get worried. Just then he turned a corner. About ten meters in front of Harry was a crouching figure. He slowly started to approach the figure. As he got closer Harry realised something. The figure was Draco and he was crying. "Babe please stop crying," Harry whispered placing his arm around Draco's shoulders. Draco looked up at Harry with tears streaming down his face. "I...I...I'm sorry Harry. I just couldn't take it when Ron started shouting at me," he whispered into his chest. Harry took Draco's face in his hands and made him face him. He then wiped away the tears from Draco's cheeks. "I don't care about Ron. He's a dickhead who can't even be happy for his "best friend". If he wants to disrespect my boyfriend and call him a prick then he can go and do that somewhere else," he whispered looking Draco directly in the eyes. Draco looked up and looked back at Harry. Slowly, Draco started to lean in. His lips collided with Harry's and he started to feel a bit better. Draco suddenly felt Harry start to kiss him back. He stroked the back of Harry's head whilst he felt Harry grip his tux. Draco pulled away slightly and then whispered, "Should we take this somewhere else?" Harry grinned at him cheekily, "Where did you have in mind?" "I was thinking maybe my dorm," Draco replied. "But won't everyone else be in the common room?" Harry asked looking concerned. Draco shook his head slowly, "Wrong, they're all in the ballroom." "Okay then lead the way little prince," Harry replied standing up. Draco stood up quickly, grabbed Harry's hand and then ran down the corridor towards the Slytherin common room.    

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