Chapter Twenty - Four

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"Ron. Do you know what our first lesson is?" Harry asked. Him, Draco and Ron were just leaving the great hall. "No, why?" The ginger-haired boy replied. "We've got charms. With Ravenclaw." Instantly, Ron's face lit up. "Let's go. Come on. Hurry up you guys," he said hurriedly. Harry and Draco chuckled but followed Ron hand in hand down the hall. Once they arrived things got tense. A lot of the Slytherins in the hallway were giving Draco dirty looks. He looked down at his shoes and let out a single tear. Harry noticed instantly. "Babe don't let them get to you. They're not worth it. All you need is me fuck them." He then lifted up the blonde boys chin with his thumb and finger and wiped away the tear. Draco leaned in slowly and connected his and Harry's lips. "Thanks scarhead," he whispered. "Ewwww fags," someone yelled. "Who the fuck said that? I will fucking kill you," Ron yelled back. Harry managed to calm him down slightly but he could tell his friend was still angry. The three of them walked into the charms classroom. Harry and Draco sat near the back next to each other whilst Ron looked for a seat near the front. Yes it wasn't normal for Ron to sit near the front but he needed to sit next to Hermione. The lesson started and things were normal. Except Hermione still hadn't arrived. Harry, Ron and Draco were confused because she was never late but they brushed it off. That's was until about twenty minutes into the lesson. All of a sudden Professor McGonagall came running into the classroom. "Ron Weasley? Is Ron Weasley in this class?" Shakily Ron stood up. "Ah there you are. You need to follow me. Oh and you too Potter," Minerva said hurriedly. Harry stood up slowly not wanting to let go of Draco's hand and him and Ron approached the older woman. "Is anyone else a friend of Miss Granger's?" She called out. Slowly Draco raised his hand. McGonagall motioned for him to follow and the four of them ran out of the classroom. Once they were in the hallway the boys stopped the head of Gryffindor. "What's wrong professor?" Harry asked. "It's Hermione. There's something wrong. Something urgent," Minerva replied shakily.

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