An unpleasant/pleasant day

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Chapter2: An unpleasant/ pleasant day

I know you
Those three words just stuck in my mind.

"What do you mean you know me?" I questioned.

"I mean I know you" he continued.
"I've met you before" he claimed.

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"Middle school, no" he muttered
"Hight school, no I didn't go to high school either" he said.

"Neither did I"

"What?" He asked.

" I didn't go to high school or middle school" I said louder.

" Why not?" He asked

"Wait! Why should I be telling you this, you fricken kidnapped me you bastard!" I stated pissed off.

" Kath-" I cut him off.

"Save it, the fuck!? What am I supposed to do? Be nice to you? You kidnapped me, took my stuff and knocked me out!!"

"I didn't want to"

"Then why did you??!!"

"He told me to"

"He? You know what I don't have time for this!!"

"You're mad at me?"

" You kidnapped me!!"

"I had to!"

"Why?! Why did you have to kidnap me?"

"I can't tell you"


"The Boss told me to keep you tied up and only feed you once a day and not to talk to you"


"It's not like I wanted to!!"

"I'm sorry Katherine"

With that I could see through the walls in his eyes,he became vulnerable just for a second, I almost saw a tear.

"Whatever, never mind can I lea-"

I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"He's here!! Quickly go back to my room and hide! Now!!"

I just sat there looking at him in confusion.
As soon as I realized what happened I ran to his room, and locked the door.
Then I decided to just go to the bathroom.

I locked the door and washed my face looking at my pale face with freckles complimenting my cheeks. I had light green eyes with rosy red lips.

My dirt blonde hair stopped at my waist and was straight but the ends were kind of wavy.

I was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans. I was wearing a blue flannel top. And my shoes were just black, ankle high converse.
I washed my face again and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Why?" I asked myself waiting for a response.

I exited the bathroom and quietly walked towards the door and opened it just a little bit so I could see through.

"Where is she?" A rough voice said.

"She's in my room tied up" a familiar voice said.

"Good, keep her that way"


"I'll be back next week to check up on her again"

"Yes, sir"

I heard a door close and I quickly placed myself on the bed, looking like I was bored and doing nothing. Act natural, act natural, I striked the most unnatural pose I could think of.

The door swung open and I returned to my original state.


"What?" I said in an annoyed voice.

"It's 10:00 and you need sleep"

He walked to his dresser and pulled out a long/baggy T-shirt.

"There's a bathroom over there"
He pointed to the room I was just in.

He threw me the T.
"Thanks" I said sarcastically.

I walked to the bathroom and decided to take a quick shower.

I had a towel in my hand drying my hair. And I quickly put on the T-shirt. It just covered my thighs.

I peeped in the room, and saw no one was there.
I ran to the bed, and as soon as the door opened.

I shouted " CALL DIBS!!"
I may be kidnapped by a hunk but I had to be me.
I jumped on the bed and as uncoordinated as I am I smacked my head against the wall.

I heard Mr.Abs laughing his ass off behind me.

"Ha ha very funny" I said while rubbing my bruised forehead.

"I have never seen a girl, ever in my life do that!" He said pointing and laughing.

"So where are you sleeping tonight?" I said with a smirk

"Oh darling, princess, babe your sitting on it"

My smirk quickly faded. And I was just sitting there like a goofball staring at him.

He smirked that special smirk I just needed in my life. Honestly I don't know how I lived with out it.

"No no no no no no no no"

"Yep, move over"

"Yeah no way"

"Uhh, who's the kidnapper here"

"You" I mumbled

"And I make the decisions so move over or you're sleeping on the floor"

"Fine" I mumbled in defeat.

Then he did something I did not regret seeing.

He pulled off his pants. Then VERY VERY VERY VERY slowly pulled off his shirt and revealed his gorgeous, toned, perfect abs.


"Did you enjoy that little display?" He said with a smirk.

I realized my mouth was open as I stares in awe.

"Your gonna have to close your mouth princess you might attract flies or something else" he said with a wink.

Holy shit!! I was blushing like crazy!!

He turned off the lights, and I could see the outline of his beautiful muscles that just flexed.

He lied down on the bed and and I moved against the wall.

I fell asleep instantly, and I had a dream about a hunky guy stripping.

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