Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Katherine POV

"Ughh..." I moaned, sitting up straight then instantly regretting it.

Let's just say my head felt like it was about to throw up then eat that throw up, then throw up again since it ate it's own throw up. Get it?

I was laying down in Ty's bed, where there was a glass of water and aspirin. Quickly, I gulped them down and started rubbing my head and walking to the bathroom to shower.

As I stripped and got into the shower. Memories explored my brain from last night. I. Am. In. Love. Tyrone.

Now my first instinct was to keep my mouth shut, but I knew better. In every story and even in real life. Someone always ends up getting hurt if you don't tell the truth. I didn't want that to happen, but I didn't want I spit it out while he was in a crappy mood.

Goals For Today:
1) Train for stealing stupid rock
2) Don't die while training
3) Confess undying love for my kidnapper.

This should be an interesting day.


I walked out of the kitchen and found a note next to a stack of pancakes which I inhaled in a matter of minutes. The note read:

Dear Katherine,

Your training will start as soon as you get this message. This is what you have to do, to get to me and finish your training for today.

1) Take the gun out of the kitchen drawer to the left.

2) Go outside and finish the obstacle course. (While carry ink the gun)

3) Finally, shoot the targets.


I took out the gun, it felt heavy in my hand as I realized I could take someone's life with this. I put into my jeans pocket and walked outside. To say what I saw made me feel in awe was an understatement.

Imagine doing the biggest exam of your life that could make or break your career then add a lot of fire.

Ty's house was remote. Away from life. So no one saw the huge circles of fire. As soon as you walk out to the backyard the first thing you see are monkey bars. Blue, metallic monkey bars. Then behind the monkey bars was a huge...wagon wheel? That was on fire.

I walked to the red metallic ladder and climbed it. Oh did I mention everything was at an unmeasurable height? Yep I could barely see the ground. And now I'm hyperventilating, perfect.

Get it together Katherine! I scolded myself.

I grabbed the first monkey bar and hung, my legs dangling, my heart racing, my hands moving to the next bar. One problem; my hands were sweating like mad. So I had about three minutes to get across this thing before I fall and well splat, and die.

As my other hand desperately grabbed the next bar I rubbed my hand against my pants. Getting rid of the sweat, as I moved to the next bar, I repeated this. I realized if I continued this I would fall and either die or hurt myself.

So I did something I did not think I had in me. I swung my legs so the held onto the next bar and let my hands go. My heart was beating out of my chest as I did this.

With all of my power I lifted my chest in between the bars and I sat. I sat on the bar. That didn't last too long since the bars behind me were disintegrating.

"Crap!" I thought aloud.

I stood up, placing my arms out as I started walking the bars disappeared. So I ran. I tripped on the last bar, my heart well let's just say I'm pretty sure I lost it on my first bar. My hands found their way to the ladder, my eyes closed as I made my way down as fast as I could, the bars that I quickly passed disappeared into thin air, when I was about seven feet in the air the bar I was on was gone and I fell down putting all the impact on my stomach. Which let's just say hurt a lot.

I got up, and started panting and putting my hands on my knees then at the back of my head. Just as I was about to turn around and go back to the house, giving up. A huge metallic wall just dropped out of the sky right in front of me then one to the side and then the other side, but not the one leading to the flaming circles, AKA my doom.

The wall in front of me erupted into spikes and so did the ones to my sides, the one in front of me began moving and that was my queue to start running, so I did. The other walls didn't close in on me they moved with the other wall, leading me to a circle of fire. My exit was blocked so I did the most logical thing that came to my mind and ran to the flaming circle. The hot, red aura that was a circle that seemed big enough (dare I say it) to jump through.

The sharp spike bit my back. A sharp pain went through me, but this didn't stop me it only made me want to go faster, so I did. The big red circle was just five feet away so I broke into a sprint and jumped into a ball and went through. All I felt before I hit the hard ground was my burning flesh. As I hit the ground on my back which made the pain increase I breathed as much as I could. To get away from the spiky walls that would end me in a second, but as I turned around it was gone. So I walked forward awaiting what I had to do next.

Remembering Tyrone's note my hand grasped itself around my jeans' pocket and sighed in relief as I felt the gun. Which was weird since I never thought something that could end my life would relax me.

I got my gun out, looking down fidgeting with the bullets. I looked up to find a target. I stopped where I was thinking this should he easy enough.

I took out the gun and aimed to the middle of the target. As the bullet swerved through the air, it perfectly landed through the middle, but as soon as it touched the board flames were everywhere and I was flying ten feet away. Staggering to get up, and breathing heavily through my noise, somehow I found my way up. And walked to where the target once stood. Instead a man was there I couldn't see his face from all the smoke, but I knew what I had to do.

I pointed my gun to his forehead and gasped when Tyrone's face emerged from the smoke.

I was supposed to fight the man I was in love with.

Well I'm screwed.

A/N: AHHH!! Don't hit me... I know this is late but I had a case of writers block:( but this chapter is here isn't it? Aww! I love you guys:) thanks for 1.5K that is so cray cray!! Thank you, I'm serious!! Well I'll see you next time on GTKMK!!
Also thanks for the comments! Please keep it up I REALLY wanna know your feedback on my story. So if you liked it please vote and leave a comment, and if you didn't please leave me some constructive criticism!
Thanks again!

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