Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

My black strapless dress that was thigh-high, complemented my figure perfectly. Black strapped stilettos swirled their way a little bit above my ankle. Black eyeliner winged perfectly, mascara flushed. I was totally bad ass and ready to do this
Tyrone opened the left door of the black and tinted Mercedes. As he walked to the other door, and started the engine. The car purred to life, and we took off, towards our destination: the Conrad hotel.

There was a banquet being held, that would precede the unveiling of the diamond, me and Tyrone have to get it before that.

A black duffel bag, had extra clothes for Tyrone and I, and something that I feared dreadfully but I knew I needed.

We arrived to the Conrad Hotel at exactly 8:00, someone opened the door for me, I thanked him or her. I wasn't really paying attention, I was playing the plan in my head, over and over again.

Tyrone held out his arm, and I took it with a smile. "We'll start at around 8:45, when the banquet starts, while everyone is distracted, for now just blend in,"

"Got it," I said firmly and nodded.

"Listen to me Katherine," he said while we walked through the grand doors of the hotel. It was extremely large, and the ceiling looked like it stretched for miles. A ginormous chandelier, made of-what looked like diamonds-, hung carefully in the center. Floral decorations adorned the enormous hotel. People around us were laughing, and drinking champagne. All of the ladies had dresses that covered at least their knee, and all of the colors were bright: pink, Caribbean blue, white, and red, the list goes on. Yet, no one was wearing black. I stuck out like a sore thumb. "Okay?" Tyrone asked.

I didn't know how to answer, so I quickly nodded and walked to get something to eat. Most of the people were looking at me with funny looks, as if to say, "Where'd this slut come from?".


Tyrone and I were changed into waiter outfits.
Carrying trays of bubbly champagne in one hand and a gun in the other,( carefully hidden in my pocket) we slipped out of the party and into one of the thousands of halls in the hotel.

"Which door is it?" I whispered, putting the tray down on a near-by table.

"Not here, top floor," he whispered back and stalked silently to the elevator, looking left and right to check if there was anyone there, he pushed the button and in several seconds the door opened.

I pushed the button for the top floor (which is 42) and I found Tyrone staring at me intently with his Hazel eyes.

I never pondered much about dying but now it felt like the worst thing to leave Ty behind. I cupped his cheek in my hand, pushed myself towards him, looked down and I said it.

"I love you," I whispered, still not looking up.

I could feel the goosebumps erupting all over his skin.
He took my chin and lifted my eyes to his, the lights inside this elevator made his features even more pronounced.

"I will love you forever, I will love you to the day I die, and if there's a life after that I'll love you then,"

I was speechless. I couldn't breathe, I stepped forward and put my lips to his. His lips so soft, and the kiss so light, but it was enough.

Once we were on the 42nd floor (we both changed into light black material on the way up, and yes it was completely awkward)
The elevator doors opened slowly, to reveal two buff body guards wearing shades.

"Kate," he whispered into my ear " Don't move," he warned.

"State your business," the man to the left said.

We didn't find out what our business was because Ty shot them both in the chest, I was completely appalled, but we had to keep moving,

Apparently those were the only guards. We were walking towards a large safe when Tyrone put a hand on my torso.

"What is it? The safe is right there!"

"This is too easy,"

"Ty look over there," I said indicating it the two motion detectors.

" I've seen these before you have six seconds on the floor from here before they go off. How the he-"

Before he could finish his sentence. I remembered my training and the fact that I was a master at gymnastics. (I think we know what I did.)

I tumbled seven feet, with 10 more to go. I did give consecutive cartwheels. I did a round off (2 seconds left) and a quick back flip landing right in front of the safe.

Sweat was plastered all over my face and neck. The combination to the safe was 17545553.

The safe opened and there it was. The thing that almost got me killed was right here, now all the power was in my hand.

I don't understand how all of that was so easy. There has to be something else that we missed, right?
We exited from the back door with Boris waiting for us, Zach emerged out of a black van and started clapping, extremely ominously I might add.

"Good job little sister,"

"Here's the diamond," I said, handing it over.

"Good, Boris," he said gesturing his head to me.

"What are you doi-?" Ty didn't get to finish his sentence, because there was a gun pointed at my head.

"What the hell?" I said alarmed.

"You see sister, I can't let you both live, you know way too much,"
I looked at Ty and found that a gun was pointed at his head to.

"Boris," Zach said and got into the car.

There was a gun shot.
Okay okay I KNOW like what? 5 months late...
To be fair--
Okay I have no excuse. I am sorry!
The thing I use to write my stories with is broken so I'm using something else.
Let's not dwell on the fact that I'm late!
Who heard Happy Little Pill, by Troye Sivan?
It's amazing am I right?
T R X Y E is coming out August 15.(T R X Y E is his album!!)

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