Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Katherine POV

I woke up in my bed dazed wondering how I got here. Suddenly memories of the explosion, and Zach came through my mind making me want to topple over.

I could hear the water running,Ty was in the bathroom showering, so I took this to my advantage and walked to the semi-empty room that I encountered when I got here.

I opened the door and it creaked, just like they do in horror movies. I started knocking on the walls from the bottom to the top, knocking around the middle of the wall I heard the hollow knocking sound and I almost jumped with joy. The wallpaper looked exactly like paint, but I knew better and tore it off.

I knocked on it harder and it swung open with ease. In the little compartment was a locked box with the key hole on top and the key already in it.

Smart ass....keeping the key to a box in the key hole...

I turned the key and used it to pull the lid up. I was confused there weren't jewels, diamonds, gold, or even a credit card number in it. Why would he want to hide this from me?

There was a picture, a locket, and a note.

In the picture there was a little girl smiling happily with long dirty-blonde hair and green mysterious eyes. And a boy with dirty blonde hair with bright and exciting hazel eyes. They're hands were intertwined , they looked happy, with no care in the world for anything else besides that moment. The background was a park, it looked so familiar.

Suddenly something inside me clicked. The kids were us. The kids were Ty and I. The park was the one Ty took me to. I'd recognize that tree anywhere.

The locket had the girl and b- Ty and I. I was smiling, again. I must've been happy a lot when I was younger. Ty on the other hand was making the most adorable face ever, he was pouting! Like when little kids do when they don't get what they want. Our names were engraved underneath them. And a note.

Katherine and Ty 'best friends'.

Next was the letter, it was a plain piece of paper. Folded, I opened it, it was in good handwriting but one that a teen would write.
It said:

Dear Ty,

They want to take my memories away, they want to strip me of all my bad deeds. I'm a fifteen year old girl, who stole for a living. Yet, I'm crazy for thinking that I could come back, and control my urge, I'm sorry Ty I can't. So I'm letting them take my memories. It pains me so much that my last few words to you were: "Shut up butt-nugget, it's my piece of bacon, get your own" but that's just how we are. Everything is still in my brain, the explosion the government men taking me away. I still can't register that we're away from each other. Anyways in five minutes I'll be hooked up to a machine and stripped of all the good and bad times we shared. Just think that one day, and I swear to it, that we'll see each other again. Just keep on to that idea, cause let's be honest that's all you got buddy. Stay out of trouble. Tyrone I love you.

With all the genuine love in the world,
Forever Yours,

Tears were welling up in my eyes, I wanted to release all of my pain. I can't believe I loved Ty! I mean yeah I have unexplained feelings for him. Suddenly I felt anger and resentment not for Ty but for the people who took my memories away!

I can't help it anymore, I started crying, not only from the letter, but everything that has happened, being kidnapped, Valentine abusing me, the explosion!! The tears wouldn't stop they streamed down my face in a matter of seconds. Soon I was sobbing, loud sounds of pain erupted and I clutched my stomach, I felt like someone was repeatedly punching me. Soon I couldn't breathe. Soon the air filled up in my lungs, but I wish I couldn't breathe, I didn't want to. At all. So I didn't. I held my breath and kept holding it. I didn't breathe it must've been a minute before Ty rushed in.

His hair was dripping wet and he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans. He was shirtless, but right now I didn't care. His hazel eyes looked down at me with fright.
He got on his knees and started screaming for me to breathe. I didn't, it's been two minutes now and Ty was shaking me and begging me to breathe. I wouldn't.

I didn't want to. Ty soon looked at my hands, at the letter, the locket, and the picture. He understood, he situated himself so that my head was rested on his lap. Three minutes now, not even a single breath. My eyes were feeling heavy. Ty was whispering words into my ears, but I just blocked them out. I just wanted to die. Yet I couldn't, I couldn't leave Ty again.

The tears on my face multiplied as there was a huge pain in my chest. Like there were needles pinching at my lungs. My chest couldn't take anymore, I needed to breath but I resisted. Soon darkness enveloped me. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. I was finally at peace.


I woke up on a bed. I woke up on Ty's bed to be more exact. He was still shirtless and was sitting next to me staring at me with so many emotions in his eyes I wanted to cry again.

"Katherine-" he said but I quickly pressed my fingers to his lips, I wanted this moment, just a little bit longer, I didn't want any crap right now.

I looked at the clock to my right, and saw that it was six o'clock. I passed out, or should I say fell unconscious, for about nine hours.

Ty slid next to me, and I slid into him. (Okay yes! We were technically cuddling!) He stroked my dirty-blonde locks, and I closed my eyes. Hoping, no wishing. That I could tell Ty how I really felt.

Soon I remembered what was at six thirty!! SHIT!! We had one of many stupid parties before I steal the stupid diamond, or whatever it is. We have to leave at six-thirty! I, Katherine have only half an hour to get ready!

"Ty! We have to go!" I stood up, walking quickly to his closet and looking hastily at all the dresses we bought.

"Katherine! We can miss it! You just passed out! I don't think your in a condition to go to party with tons of people! It's a club! There will be drinking and dancing," he said pulling out a plain white T-shirt. And a suit jacket to go with it. Ha! He knows I'm not backing down.

"Then why are you putting out clothes?" I asked still browsing through his closet.

"Cause I know I won't win this," he mumbled taking out patent leather shoes.

"Exactly now you quickly go to the bathroom and change I need more time," I said.

Wow! I almost died and I'm worried about what kind of dress I'm going to wear to a club.

This should be a fun, fun night.


HEY!! IM GOING TO USE CAPS LOCK FOR THIS ENTIRE A/N!! YOU KNOW WHY...??!!! CAUSE GTKMK (GETTING TO KNOW MY KIDNAPPER) GOT 1K READS!! OH MY FRICKEN GOSH!! THATS SO AMAZING! LITERALLY WHEN I FOUND OUT I SCREAMED AND WELL TEXTED EVERYONE WHO KNOWS I HAVE WATTPAD!! (caps lock off) I just wanna say thank you guys so much!! I can't believe this!! I remember when I was over the moon for 598 reads! Please comment!! I really, really wanna know your feedback! Let me know my commenting and vote! I really wanna put this story on the map! I've wanted to write since I was a kid and I've written stories(but they're not for sharing) and when I uploaded GTKMK, I didn't think this is where I'd be BUT THANK YOU!!! AHHH!! I'm ranting:) bye!!
(Sorry if this is late!! I finished this on March 29th, but where I am it won't upload so I'll try again on the third of April, when I travel again, hopefully there will be internet! If I upload this before then you can just ignore this..)


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