Chapter4: strip go-fish and....something else.

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Chapter4: Strip go-fish and something else.

It was the eighth round in our little game, that I did not want to play.
No one stripped yet. Thank God!!!

"Have any ones?" He asked
I looked at my cards, oh shit oh shit,

"" I whispered.

"Oh, well then take something off," he said with a smirk.

"Can we forget about this!! I'm kinda tired plus it's getting lat-"

"Uh, uh, uh"


I pulled off my right sock and said:

"Got any threes?"


Damn I was waiting for this!! He had no socks on so I thought he was wearing just his pants, shirt, and boxers.

And I was right.
This time he slowly, I repeat very very slowly took off his shirt.
His abs just looked so-
Seriously? Katherine!! Control yourself!

"Got any fours?"

Why!! Why can't he just say three! Or five or seven, cause that's all I had.

I took off my left sock.
Shit I only had my under..stuff and my clothes, ok this was getting pretty intense.

"Got any fives?"

Though I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it, cause he smirked and his eyes sparkled with mischief.

He took off his pants.
Oh, is it hot in here? I think it's hot. I feel hot. I'm melting, holy shit holy shit!
I started blushing, and in no time my face was so red, firemen could've thought I was a girl on fire.

"Any tens?"

"Uh... No"


"Shut it"
What to do!! What to do!!! Oh wait I was wearing a tank top under!! Haha. The gears in my mind started moving, in other words I had a plan.

I pulled up my shirt, slowly!! Making sure he was staring!! And yes he was, but I pulled up my tank top with my shirt so he thought I wasn't wearing one. Just when I was about to pull my shirt off. I pulled down my tank top. And my shirt was off and I just randomly threw it somewhere.
I smirked with pride.

"Oh come on!!" He stated

"Haha" I laughed mockingly.

"Got any sevens?" I asked.

"Yep!" He said emphasizing on the 'p'.

To be honest not that disappointed, I was fine just with him... Wearing only boxers, his perfect body, the way is muscles flexed, his sweet kind eyes, the way I wanted my hands in his perfect hair, his lip-
Uhh what I was I saying?

He gave me his sevens, and I put the pair down, all I had left was a three and a five.
He only has two cards in his hand as well.

"Got any ones?"

"Oh Come On!!" I said.



So I made a decision, a very smart on at that.
I went to the back of my tank top with my hands and adjusted my bra strap.
I took off the lace purple bra, with ease. Holding up my bra I smirked my victory smirk.


I just realized he had a one, and not a three so I'm pretty sure we all saw what was coming next.

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