Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:
Katherine POV

I woke up at nine am, and changed into a blue T I got from H&M and plain jeans. Not bothering to take a shower cause I'm just lazy like that.

Ty was in the kitchen cooking us up some food. I'm pretty sure he's going to tell me something important cause he made chocolate chip pancakes.

I walked to Ty's dresser and took a brush out from the drawer and started combing my hair. Putting the brush back I found my phone! I checked if I got any missed calls or texts.

15 missed calls from work. 6 texts. Oh well, it only payed a little anyways I'm living like a boss here!

I put my phone in my back pocket, put on my converse and walked to the kitchen to find Ty's back to me.

"Morning Ty," I yawned.

"Morning Kate, sleep well?" He asked putting down a plate of chocolate chip pancakes drizzled with chocolate syrup in front of me.

Wow either he thinks it's my time I the month or he has really intense news.

"Yes, and seeing that I have so much chocolate on my plate you have something to tell me, am I right?" I asked being smart ass me.

"Oh Kate you know me so well," he said putting a dramatic hand on his heart.

"Well I try, now what is it?" I asked sticking a fork into my pancake.

"Simon, needs you for something," he said nervously.

"I know, but that's in a week,"

"It's a little sooner than expected, you it will start tomorrow," he said.

"Okay but why do I need training..?" I asked but was abruptly interrupted.


The wall in front of me shattered into rubble and ten buff men exploded in with large guns.

"Ty!! What's happening!?" I shouted drastically looking for Ty in all the smoke.

Smoke? Where did that come from? Heavy hands found my waist but they weren't Ty's they weren't trying to help me they were trying to grab me.

"Get off!!!" I shrieked.

My eyelids felt heavy, the smoke was getting to me. Suddenly I couldn't breathe I gasped desperately, I tried screaming Ty's name but nothing came out. The hands grabbed me tighter which pained my waist, I gave in and everything wen dark.

The last thing I heard was Ty shouting my name.


I woke up in an empty room tied to a chair.
What happened? Where was I? All the memories flooded back to me, the smoke, the wall exploding, and Ty calling my name. Ty- Ty-Ty where was he? Is he okay? Focus Kate! Focus you are tied to a chair!

"Well surely this hasn't happened to me before," I sarcastically said to myself,"Okay Kate you were in this situation before, just think what did you do?" I questioned myself.

I moved my wrists around the loosely tied rope.
'This should be easy'. I told myself.

I moved my wrists around for about three minutes until the rope was looser.
About ten minutes passed but I finally got out of the rope, I cradled my wrists which had rope burns all over.
I walked to the metallic door and yanked the handle down, but just as I thought it was locked.

Think Kate. Think. Think. Think. I ran a hand threw my tangled locks when I stopped at a bump of hair, I took out a bobby pin and fixed it placing it carefully in my hair. Now your probably wondering why emphasize that? Process it..did you get it?
I took my black bobby pin out of my hair and started fiddling it into the handle's key hole. Three minutes later I was walking down the metallic hall.

Walking down the hall, there was a wooden door that looked out of place in this...facility.

Being...well me, I think we all know I walked into it and trust me I did not expect what I saw.

There was a big white board with pictures-pictures of Ty and I together, at the mall, at the park, and even in his own home! There were pictures even before he kidnapped me. Pictures of me walking to work, when Ty and I had our first encounter! They were all tied together by string. Like the ones you see in movies.

The door swung open and a man in a black suit, with gorgeous dirty-blonde hair and mysterious green eyes, rosy red lips complimented his face perfectly, and his chiseled jaw made everything fit together, but the one thing was his eyes! They looked like they've seen things, like he had done things he regretted or something he has done and regrets.

"Katherine, you aren't supposed to be here? How did you get out of your room?" The man asked walking towards me he had a smooth voice that you expected but you thought it was too good to be true, so you didn't expect it. Does that make sense..?

Well you know me I just stood there, like an idiot! Hold it together! Wait how does he know my name?

"How do you know my name?" I asked in a raspy and frightened voice, taking several steps back, even though this man was gods angel I knew I couldn't trust him.

"That doesn't matter, but since you are here, Katherine I need to ask you something," he said running a hand through his hair.

"Why? Why did you kidnap me? What did I do?" I said. Wow déjà vu! I feel like this was rehearsed!

"I want to make a proposal, and the kidnap part, I apologize it was the only way I could've gotten you here, and you did nothing, wow I feel like this was rehearsed," he chuckled. Hey do you guys remember like a little while ago I said THE SAME THING but in my head..?

"Alright I'm listening," I said taking a seat in the dark brown leather chair.

"Wow, I thought it would be harder to get you to crack, but I suppose you want to get this over with,"

"I do, now lay down the cards, what do you want me to do?" I asked, confidently may I add.

"You have been kidnapped by our rival company, as you may know, they...steal..? Shall I put it. And so does our company, but we do it for others, who want the job done professionally. We have a....project, the 'Rose diamond' will be presented in a week at the Conrad hotel and we need you to take it for us, you see a very rich man wants it but he already tried taking it so he wants a pro company who has experience,"

"Why me? I can barely walk five feet without falling," I said with a glint of humor in my voice.

"All will be explained, but tomorrow. We had a little trouble with the knock out gas so it is currently 11:45 pm. Walk back to your room and a bed should be placed and please think about it," he said.

"I will," I said surprising myself.

And with that I swiftly walked out of the room. Thinking about what the fuck just happened!


A/N: SUP? Guyzz? I just wanna say thank you for 594 reads!! That's da boss! Please up the votes..? And I'm sorry this was late, exams...:(
Oh and I regret to inform you(uhhh I sound like one of those people on airplanes who say the flight has been delayed) in a few weeks I have finals so I won't be updating;(
Well chow:) please remember to VOTE-comment-SHARE-fan-READ
Stay sexy;)


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