Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"I love your cooking now can we eat?" I asked sincerely.

"Sure- SHIT!! The French toast!!" He exclaimed.

Haha..I hated French toast anyways.

And we ran to the kitchen, the kitchen was filled with smoke and we both started coughing.

"Kate stay in my room,"

"Fine.." I muttered very unwillingly.
I heard the sound of a fire extinguisher, and just closed the door to the room. And sat waiting.

Tyrone came back covered in soap.

"What happened to you?" I joked.

"I'm trying to clean," he said.

"Well you suck," I said honestly.

"You wanna clean,"

"Fine," I shrugged.

We walked back to the kitchen, and all the smoke was gone, and a window was opened.

"Hand me the rag, and watch and learn," I stated.

"Whatever," he snickered.

He tossed me the rag, and I did my magic, in less then ten minutes the kitchen was spotless, and Tyrone was just standing there pretty damn impressed.

And you know me, so I was gonna walk towards him but I slipped on some water and waited for impact with the wet, cold floor, but it never came, instead steady hands were holding me by the waist.

"You fall a lot," Tyrone said in that damn, sexy voice of his.

"Well, you catch people a lot," I said.
Damn, that was a fail of a comeback.

He picked me up and our noses were touching.
Oh no...

"So what do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Pancakes!!!" I said enthusiastically jumping out of his arms.

"You always did love them,"he said, but I could tell he wanted to take that back.

"What do you mean 'did'? How do you know me?" I leaned in. "Tyrone, I need answers,"

"I'm sorry I brought it up, but I can't tell you, you have to understand, you need to be patient," he told me.

"Tyrone..please.." I pleaded.

"I-i..can't," he said.

"Fine..but I get extra blue berries AND chocolate syrup!!" I beamed, forgetting my disappointment.

"Fine," he chuckled, glad I let it drop.

I sat back down while he started chopping the blue berries.

"Let it go....let it go," I started singing.

"Can't hold it back anymore," he continued.

"Let it go...Let it go turn your back and slam the door," I finalized.

"I love your voice," he said.

"Thank you," I said blushing.

He put a plate of pancakes in front of me with chocolate syrup on the top dripping down the stack, and a pad of butter.

He sat himself next to me and we sat in silence the entire meal, deep in thought.

"Tyrone...can I ask you one question," I asked.

"If it has to do with how I know you and your memory Ka-"

"Please..put yourself in my position, wouldn't you want to know?"

"Yes...but I would respect that you can't tell me,"

"Ty, please!"

"Kate please respect that I can't,"
He said ignoring the fact that I just called him Ty.

"So tell me, what are your parents like?" I asked sadly.

"I...have none..I was just put on a doorstep of some crummy orphanage " he said with flashbacks filling his mind.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I said sympathetically.

"Kate...I know you have no parents either," he said but I could tell he regretted it.

"That's just it, how do you know? How do you know I'm an orphan?"

"W-we grew u-up together," he stuttered.

"W-what?" I asked.

"We gre-"

"No, I heard you the first time, but h-how?" I said holding back a tear.


"No, I know 'you can't tell me' 'I have to be patient' blah blah blah,"

"I've been patient Tyrone, I want to know now,"

"Katherine no," he said sternly.

"Why not?"

"Cause he might kill you, if you found out now, you don't know what's at stake if you found out," he said barely above a whisper.

"Who's 'he'?" I asked.

"The man who talked to you before,"

"Oh.." I said frightened but I quickly hid the scared expression on my face.

"Yeah, Katherine he's very dangerous,"

"Well I'm," I said trying to lighten the mood, because I hated when things were oh so serious.

"I know you are," he said chuckling.

"Of course, than you know how dangerous I'll get if you don't tell me how you know all these things about me, how do you know I'm an orphan?"I said becoming serious again.

"I-because, you-we, uhh.."

He has no idea how to explain anything, it's just sad.

"Your lucky I'm not getting angry," I said.

"I know.."

"You say that a lot, 'I know' how do you know and I don't? Why can't I remember? Tyrone? Why did you kidnap me? Why does 'he' want me? What did I do, so horribly that he wants to kill me," I said taken aback by what I said.


"No, your not sorry, but you already know that," I said marching off to his bedroom.

"Katherine..come on wait,"

"No," I said, not locking the door cause I knew their wouldn't be any point, he already had a spare key.

I went and jumped on the bed and buried my face in my hands, and started thinking.

Why does 'he' want me? What did I do? Why does Tyrone know everything about me? Why can't he just tell me?
I started boiling with anger.

"This isn't fair," I said while Tyrone came in and sat down next to me.

"I know it isn't, but Katherine please wait,"

"Yeah, yeah I know," I said.
Finally for once I know something.

I got up and walked to the kitchen Tyrone following me two steps behind.

I walked to the fridge, opened it and found a Vanilla Frappichino, I took it, popped it open and took a long gulp.

Just what I needed.

I sat on the table, with a plate of chocolate chip cookies and my Vanilla Frapp in my hands.

Tyrone sat across from me, and said:

"Katherine, I'll tell you how I know you,"

A/N: Sorry for the shortness from the chapters, haven't had time on my side, I'll TRY make them longer, and sorry it took so long I had some school issues,
So big news: Katherine and Tyrone are both orphans!!
And in the next chapter you'll find out how Tyrone knows her, and I promise later on in the story you'll find out about their pasts.

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