A little strip bacon and some more stripping.

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Chapter3: A little strip bacon and some more stripping.

I woke up on the floor, Mr.Abs on the bed, and I'm pretty sure he pushed me off but I didn't want to know. So I decided to take a shower.

Walking to the bathroom, I tripped on Mr.Abs pants.

Uhhh.. I got the image of him stripping last night. Not that I didn't enjoy it or anything...

I looked at the ground rubbing my sore feet, and I saw what I tripped on: a wallet.

Now I know what your thinking: take cash and run!!!

Well no, I didn't do that.

Instead I took a look and saw his ID card popping out!

I was just about to find out what his name was, but then...

"Katherine?" He said in that deep sexy, morning voice guys had.

"Uhhh.. I'm gonna take a shower," I quickly stated.

"Okay,whatever" he said and went back to sleep.

I thought this was my chance to run, but I thought about yesterday, what if that guy did something to Mr.Abs or his family? I would be to blame, and it didn't look like he was trying to hurt me, so I decided just too stay and if anything started to go wrong I'd just run to the cops.

Yeah, that sounded good!

I quickly stripped and took a quick shower.

I muttered a curse that I needed to get some shampoo.

I got my towel,put it on my head and I slipped on the baggy T.

I left the bathroom, to find that Mr.Abs was gone, and there were fresh clothes waiting for me on the made bed.

I went back to the bathroom and quickly changed.
When I came out, again, wearing a pair of grey sweat pants and a grey swear shirt that had printed words that said: 'Abercrombie&Fitch 2013'
Abercrombie&Fitch!!?? Was this guy rich!!!
Probably Katherine! He steals for a living.
I started to smell something... something good.
Fuck, it smelled AMAZING!!
I started fallowing my natural smelling instinct, and found myself in the kitchen.
Mr.Abs's back was turned and he was flipping something.
He was wearing the same thing as me!! Like exactly the same! Same sweat pants/shirt.
First I thought it was kinda weird so I thought how couples used to go around matching and stuff. So I guess you could say that I.... followed along...

I walked over to him, but he didn't notice so I took that to my advantage.
Rapidly I placed my hand under his sweat shirt, but he hadn't notice yet!!
I started touching his skin on his neck.

I cut him off.
"Shhhhh!!! Are you nervous?" I asked.

"What, no! What are y-"

I placed my hand lower to the mid of his back.

"Katherine what the fuck are you doi-" he said, his back still turned.

"Nervous yet?" I asked.
He still didn't know what I was doing!


"Hush!! Child!"

I put my hand the lowest it could go, until it reached his pants.


Before he could answer I moved my hand lower until my hand was just under his pants, no no not touching his ass just yet.

He quickly turned and took my hand with such force I gasped.

"Okay, that's enough of that, I already stripped enough for you" he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes.
"So what are we having for breakfast?"

"Breakfast?" He questioned.

"Ya you know the meal that you have when you wake u-"

"No I know what it is! It's 6:00pm Katherine!"

"6:00pm!!!!" I screamed

"Quiet down!!" He said and placed his fingers to his lips.

"How long did I sleep for??"

"Let's just say a long time, you couldn't sleep on the bed at like 11:00am, so you decided to sleep on the floor, somehow my floor is very comfy and you slept until 5:30,"

"And you?"

"I woke up at 8:00, I just took a short nap at 4:00"

"Okay that's weird,"

"Whats for dinner then?" I asked hungrily.

"I don't know what you're having, but I'm having strips of bacon"

"Bacon? For dinner?"

"Don't judge me!"

"Okay, okay..."

"Gimme one!!"



"Cause I'm a guy and I like me some bacon! Actually I like me a lot of bacon!!"

"Uhh.. Bro your zipper is opened"

He looked down and quickly realized he didn't have a zipper, but it was too late, I swiped the plate, and chucked down as many bacon strips as I could.

"Hey!!!!" He yelled as I chucked down the last strip of bacon.

There was only grease left, so I felt pity for my kidnapper and I passed a plate towards him and gave him my pity look.

"Your so generous"he said sarcastically.

"I try" I mocked

"It's 7:00 so I'm gonna hit the hay" he said with a yawn.

"Okay but I'm getting the bed"

"Haha, no"

"Uhh, yes"



It basically went on like that for like ten minutes.
"This is ridiculous" I stated.

"No shit" he muttered back.

"There's only one way to settle this!" I continued.

"Rock,paper, scissors!" I said with a grin.

"Strip, go-fish!!"Mr.abs said with a smile.

"Wait what?" I said utterly shocked.

"You know strip-go fish, where it's basically when you say go fish you take something off"

"Woah! Hold up NO WAY!!"

"We'll thumb wrestle, to find out:Rock, paper, and shit"

"Scissors" I corrected

"Whatever, or strip-go fish"

"No way!!"

"What your afraid of all of this?" He said motioning to himself.

"Haha, yeah right, fine!"

"Okay then,"

He gave me his hand, it felt so strong yet soft at the same time, CONCENTRATE KATHERINE!! It's either stripping or RPS!!

"Ready" I said.

"Set" he continued.

"GOO!!" I finished.

So yeah that only lasted five seconds, guess who one!!

MEE!!! Haha no! I now have to play strip go-fish with my kidnapper, perfect just perfect.

"Let's go!" He said with a smirk.

We walked to his room, the pressure was rising cause I was just wearing an undershirt,bra,sweat shirt,underwear, sweat pants,and last but not least socks.

"Let the games begin" he said

"And may the odds be ever in your favor" I continued.

A/N: So??! How'd my readers like it? I put some time into this:) (first a/n!!)
It's one of my favorite chapters so far, but there's only three so...
I'm going to be updating, probably daily since I'm on holiday and there is literally NOTHING to do where I am so:(but more Wattpad time:)
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