Ch6: a weird guy and an almost name

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Chapter 6: A weird guy and an almost name.
Katherine POV

"Move boy where is the bitch?" A familiar voice said to Mr.Abs.

"Uhh... She's in the kitchen.. eating," he nervously said.

"Eating?" The voice said.

"Yeah," he replied.

Eating? What else would I be doing fighting a zebra while making out with a lion?
Idiot.. I rolled my eyes.

"Well I'm waiting downstairs, bring her down in five,"

"Yes, sir," he said politely.

"That's sir to you mister" he answered.

"Sorry sir,"

I heard shuffling footsteps, a door swinging open, then more footstep sounds fading.

Mr. Abs came back with a very worried yet hot expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Nothing. Nothing.."

"My ass nothing?" I said standing up.

"Okay, uhh... The guy who told me to kidnap you, yeah he's here, and he wants to talk to you, I don't know why, and I'm kinda scared which is bull shard but..." He said nervously.

I never thought I'd see him so upset, worried, scared. I know something is up I said to myself.

"So.. What does he want?" I said calmly.

"He needs to ask you a few questions, and see if you remember anything. After all you were one of the best," he said with a smirk, his sadness fading.

"Best..? Best of what?" I questioned.

"Is that bitch making a fuss?" A voice said from down below.

"Bitch?" I said with a confused face.

"Oh.. I am gonna whoop this guys ass so bad he's gonna turn blue then I'll make hi-" I was stopped.

"I love it when you talk all violent," he said.

"Shut it.." I mumbled.

"Okay, uhh..." He grabbed some rope from a cabinet and came behind me.

"What are you-"

"Shhh... I need you to be quiet I'm just gonna tie you up but loosely and I'm gonna take a rag and put it around your mouth, understand?" He said as if that was a perfectly normal sentence.

I nodded, and he started.

He put the rope around in a loose knot, and put a rag on my mouth and tied it to the back of my head.
I turned around to look at the knot he tied. Cool!! It looked so tight, yet I knew I could un-do it in five seconds flat.

"Okay, come on we don't want the devil to wait," he said with humor in his tone.

I followed his lead to a door near the front door, he opened it and it lead to a set of stairs, he turned on the light and we stepped in, slowly we went down, but I am an idiot right?
So I tripped on the third stair, I winced knowing what was gonna happen but just as my face was gonna land, a comforting hand found its self on my waist, it felt so right and in place.

"You need to be careful," a relaxing voice said to me.

Yet all I did was nod.
He let out a small chuckle. And we went down the stairs, this time I didn't trip!! I got mad walking skills!

The basement had basically nothing in it, only a window which was covered by cream curtains, two metal chairs in the middle, and a white carpeted floor, one of the seats was occupied by a man wearing a grey coat, black pants, and leather shoes, his facial features were grotesque, his face sagged hideously, one eye was blood red except the pupil which was so dark brown it looked black, the other eye was a very light shade of blue and I could tell that eye was blind. His lips had a white scaly sort of outline on his lips. that made me want to barf. Even though I didn't know this guy I wasn't going to be nice, that's for sure I was gonna be bitchy, as bitchy as I can get. (Which is not very far on the bitchy scale.)

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