Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"Katherine...wake up," Tyrone whispered in my ear.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm hungry, want some breakfast?" He asked.

"Ughh..." I screamed into my pillow.

A heard him let out a chuckle.

"And what is so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing," he said backing down,"So are you coming?" He asked again.

"Whatever.." I said lazily.

He got up and only then did I realize that he was shirtless.
I started staring blankly at his back as he turned around to pick up some things, the way his muscles just flexed like that..oh damn...

"Uhh.." I mumbled.

He's just so...

Flashbacks of yesterday flooded my mind.
Shouldn't I have stopped him? What was I thinking? Clearly I wasn't thinking!!
I said these things to myself while getting out of bed waking towards the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Tyrone said he had gone to the grocery store and picked me up a toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner.

After I got out of the bathroom, wearing a plain grey jacket, with the tassels swaying from side to side as I walked, I was wearing a pear of blue shorts which you could barely see since the jacket was pretty big.

I walked to the kitchen and sat down while Mr. Shirtless over here was making French toast.

I started thinking about the 'kiss' was it even a kiss? More like a make out session, a very heated make out session.

"What's wrong?" Tyrone asked.
He startled me so I jumped a bit, I'm such an idiot.

"Nothing," I stated, I started playing with the tassels on my jacket.

"Katherine..last night.."

OhMyGosh, was he gonna ask me out!!! Holy shit okay okay calm down, Eeeeppp!!! He's gonna ask me out he's gonna ask me out!!!
Okay what am I gonna wear!! Let's not jump to conclusions Kate, like you usually do maybe he's just gonna say 'I love you'-
Woah woah woah... Where did all of this come from?
He's my mother f------- kidnapper!!
So what!! My mind told me, he fricken KISSED ME!!!! Do I like him?? No no that's absurd.

"-was a mistake," he half whispered.

Holy. Fuck. This. Mother. F-ing. Douche. Bag.

That inconsiderate, narcissistic, peace of shit!!! I am gonna slap him so hard he'll turn blue then I'm gonna make him eat his own hand-

Deep breathes.
Deep breathes.
Breath with me.
Huuuhhoooooo.. Huuuuhhhhhhhoooo.
Okay I think I'm gonna have an asthma attack.

"I couldn't agree more," I said calmly.

Wow! That caught me off guard, did I really just say that?

By the expression on Tyrone's face, he wasn't expecting that either.

"Uhhh okay then yesterday never happened," He said.

Breathe Kate Breathe!!
Don't unleash the tiger!! Hold her in hold her in!!!
Oops..too late:

"You inconsiderate, narcissistic, douche bag! You kissed me, I didn't kiss you!! Listen here buddy I can't just forget that!! T-that was a kiss that was our kiss, and now your willing to throw it all away? Why? What did I do?" I released.

A load has just been lifted.


I cut him off.

"No, okay no, I'm leaving as in going home! I'm not staying here one second longer, I did everything I could cause I knew if I left then you and your family would get hurt from whoever that guy was! I was actually going along with you kidnapping me! I didn't complain, well I did at first but I kept my cool! And then you KISS ME, no no!! You MAKE OUT WITH ME!! And then you want me to forget it!!??? You kissed me... Tyrone it wasn't anything ordinary, I-it was amazing," the tears unwillingly reached my eyes.
"Goodbye Tyrone," I said than ran to the bedroom and slammed the door.

I jumped on the bed and cried my eyes out for what seemed like hours.
How could he do that? It's not fair!

" up," Tyrone said knocking on the door.

"Go away," I shouted in a mix of tears.

"Please..Kate let me explain," he begged.

"Tyrone, leave me alone," I said.


Does he have the key to every room?

"Katherine," he said while shutting the door. "I'm sorry,"

"Sorry doesn't cut it, I want to leave, I want to go home, leave me alone," I said still crying my eyes out.

"Katherine..I said what I said..because I don't want to hurt you,"

Was this guy serious? How sappy? And I don't want to hurt you please it's a little late for that.

"Well looks like you already have," I said with anger and irritation in my tone.

"Look at me..Look at me Katherine,"

I looked up and was so surprised I could have taken a shit in my pants right there.

He had tears in his eyes, his eyes were all puffy, and red.

"You cried?" I asked shocked.

"I only cry for very special people" he said while a tear streamed down his face and he held my hand.

"Why did you tell me that? Why would I get hurt?"

"Cause I'm a very dangerous person," he said with not the least bit of humor in his tone.

"No your not," I said, as he brushed off a tear from my cheek.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"I'm sorry too," I said, brushing off a new tear from his cheek.

"And I will never say that again" He said seriously.

"You better not," I grumbled.

"You okay, better now?" He said while putting his hands on my face and brushing all the tears away.

And I did the same to him while nodding.

"I love-"

A/N: Hey guys!!! I see I've gotten 85 views!! Yay!!! Yet no increase in the number of votes, sigh..
Anyways who said I love- was it Katherine or Tyrone dun dun dun!!!
And remember to VOTE-Comment-SHARE- FAN
And have a beautiful, wonderful, magical day.

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