Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Katherine POV

As Tyrone stood before me, I was in pure awe, but I guess I should've expected it. I mean who else would I have to- wait hold up the truck, I have to fight this guy? He could beat me to a pulp in three seconds flat!

Alright Katherine don't just stand there, her probably thinks your weird.

I walked up to him and slapped him right across his left cheek. As he stood there caressing his cheek slightly, he muttered "I did deserve that," and I nodded approvingly.

I dropped my gun, and my instant reflexes took over. I grabbed his arm and swung it to his back, lifting it has high as I could, so it wouldn't injure him too much. He found this quite annoying, as if I wasn't a threat. Oh I'm definitely going to show him, I hooked my right leg onto his and pulled, as he fell I gracefully fell on him, with all my pressure against his back.

He grunted, and flipped me over. We both hastily got up, and stared into each other's eyes, slightly breathing.

Alright Katherine, don't underestimate him. What's his weakness? Ugh! I don't know.

He walked towards me and lunged his fist to my stomach. This startled me and I fell hard on my back. Slight pain erupting in my stomach, but quickly, it subsided. I got up and he swung his other arm to my jaw. Quickly, I ducked, and kicked his leg. He didn't fall, but it distracted him for a minute. With all the force I could muster, I swung my fist into his ribcage, and he collapsed onto the ground, but I knew this wasn't over.

You can't keep doing this, punch-fall-kick-fall! No, make a plan Katherine, make a plan.

Tyrone was still lying on the ground, breathing heavily and clutching his sides. I hurt him. Wait! I hurt him. How do you distract a guy? And leave him in awe? Don't know? Well you'll find out.

I walked up to him and grabbed his arm, I yanked him up, and punched his jaw.

"This is for kidnapping me!" I yelled and kicked his leg. A whimper escaped him, but I wasn't done.

"This is for delaying on telling me about out past!" I shouted and elbowed him in his gut. An unhealthy moan escaped him. Not done yet.

"This is for making me like you!" I said and slapped his face.

"This is for trying to keep me out of Zach's deal! When do you decide what to do for me?" I whispered violently, into his ear and kneed him in his stomach.

"And last. This is for fricken making me fall in love with you!" I yelled, this surprised him.

He took two steps closer and said:
"No! This, is for making me fall in love with you," he yelled back.

He closed the gap between us. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. Then after the butterflies, fireworks. We moved passionately and in perfect synch, but all good things most come to an end.

"Katherine, I'm in love with you," Tyrone admitted. His intense eyes penetrating mine, waiting for me to respond. Hoping I'll reply.

"Tyrone," I walked a step closer " I fricken love you to," I said.

Staring into each other's eyes, I made the first move, I kissed him lightly, then 'lightly' turned into rough.

All I know is that the person I want go spend the rest of my life with, is kissing me hard right now.

A/N: Soo!!! Tyrone and Katherine beat each other up then confessed their undying love! I might just screw their happiness:) Thank you guys for 1.6K reads!! Please comment so I can know your feedback on this story. Vote too, just for the fun of it!

(Oh and I know this is like EXTREMELY short, but I really wanted this ending)

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