Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:
Katherine POV

We walked out into the blazing moonlight, an owl was perched on a large and old oak tree a single autumn leaf floated to the ground indicating it was mid-February. I wasn't sure what day it was, and it didn't matter, I didn't care either. This was just too beautiful to care about anything else.

"You were right Ty this is beautiful," I whispered gazing deeply into the beautiful and deserted park.

"It is isn't? It's the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he said staring at me with intense hazel eyes.

Oh my....cue my bright pink blush.

We walked in comfortable silence until a fork in the road. One side had trampled grass all over it and the other one had a trail of brown, red, and yellowish leaves that looked untouched. Ty slipped his fingers into mine which sent shivers down my spine.

We took the untouched leaves path, it was surrounded left and right by massive chestnut trees. We started to ascend a hill that had birds chirping songs in the beautiful night. We stopped abruptly and Ty said:
"From here it's a surprise so I'm going to have to put a blind fold on you," he said with a glint of mischief.

"You seriously expect me to put a blind fold on? You kidnapped me once I think I know how this goes," I said with humor trailing my voice.

"Well I can't kidnap you again, already did that once, but seriously put this blind fold on," he said pulling out a black blind fold from his pocket.

"I don't have a choice do I?" I sighed.

"No, no you don't," he said standing behind me.

When did he get there? Calm down Kate, so far so good.

He put the silky, black blind fold on me. His fingers grazed my skin, which sent even more shivers down my spine. It's like he had some control over me. Which was very odd, cause no one has control over me.

Ty put his hand on the small of my back, which if you wanted to know sent even more shivers down my spine, just putting it out there.

He led me uphill for about three minutes until a breeze hit my face.

"Now you're going to have to watch your step," he whispered into my ear, grazing his lips against my neck.

You guessed it even more shivers down my spine.

I nodded and followed his lead, I suddenly was told to sit down and I sat on crunchy autumn leaves.

"Can I take my blindfold off?" I asked, I heard a yes so I carefully untied the knot and when I finally got it I placed it on the floor and gasped at what I was looking at.

I saw we were sitting in the middle of a grassed area. With leaves of all colors: brown, purple, yellow, greenish brown, and my favorite the reddish purple one, scattered everywhere. There was a sort of swishing sound and I looked behind me and almost screamed.






It glistened and sparkled in the beautiful moonlight. The waterfall was so beautiful I wanted to stare at it for hours. The water looked like liquid crystal I placed my hand and grazed my fingers in the freezing cold water, but I didn't care how cold it was it was jut too beautiful.

In front of me Ty was smiling with a wicker picnic basket.

"Ty this is beautiful," I said taking in my surroundings for about the fifth time.

"I knew you'd love it," he said with a dazzling smile.

"How did you find this place?" I asked curious how anyone could find this beautiful, beautiful place in a deserted park on the outskirts of town.

"Now that's a secret," he said wistfully. Which made me a bit curious but I decided to forget that.

"So what's in the picnic basket? I know it's not food since I am stuffed," I said rubbing my stomach.

"I'm not so sure, I think some appetite will magically open up once you see what I have," he said placing two hands in the basket and pulled out a plate of....oh dear lord this beautiful man from heaven brought me brownies.

"BROWNIES!!!!!?!!" I exclaimed grabbing the plate and swiftly taking off the wrapping.

"I knew you'd love them," he chuckled.

I took a bite out of the chocolate, gooey, rich brownie and moaned so loud you would've thought I was doing it with a moose.

"Hey, save those moans for something else, like my brownies," he said with a wink.

Holy. God. Of. All. Things. Chocolate.

"I should be pretty offended right now but your brownies taste SO good," I said emphasizing the so.

"Do they now?" He said raising his left eye brow.

Let it process what he means.




REALLY!!! Oh my god he means his manhood!!

"Hey buddy keep it PG-13," I said giving him a stern look.

"Yes mom," he said looking down childishly.

In no time I finished all the chocolatey brownies and we walked back to the car talking about shit that no one would ever care about.

"I had fun," I said thankfully to Tyrone.

"Yeah, so did I," he said with a grin.

We hopped in the car and I fell asleep instantly listening to Let Her Go by Passenger.

A/N: Hey guys!! Thank you for 535 reads!! That's literally insane. And I hoped you liked this chapter, it seriously one of my favorites I really enjoyed writing it! I hope you liked it make sure to let me know by: commenting-voting-fanning-sharing!!
I'm sick so I think I'm gonna have to go:) bye!!

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