Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
Katherine POV

It's six fifteen pm, and I'm ready. Oh. My. God. Katherine took fifteen minutes to get ready! Ahh! This is historical, I-I need to document this.

I took out my phone from my black clutch with a gilded chain, and I took around ten selfies, staring at all of them before deleting all but one. It was the queen of all selfies!

My dirty blonde hair that went up to my waist, currently balanced gracefully on my waist in large ringlets, while the rest was straight. I'm wearing a short black dress that goes mid-thigh, and hugs my figure tightly so all my curves show. My shoes, from 'Steve Madden' are black, velvety pumps with studs on the heel.

My golden ring on my right hand, middle finger, is a ring that I've had ever since I could remember, I don't know how I got it. It was pure gold with a silver dove on it and a green emerald flower on it's left wing.

And a plain golden bracelet complimented my ring.

Ty came out of the bathroom, looking---well pretty Ty. Handsome at its finest. His hair is dry, and up in blunt spikes. His white T-shirt defines his toned muscles perfectly and he's also wearing a black blazer for men. His tight black jeans fit him perfectly.

"Alrighty, let's go," Ty said grabbing his keys.


The loud music blasting through the club hurt my ears, the sweaty and sticky bodies that were grinding and making out were disgusting. I wanted to leave the second we arrived.

Ty guided me to a quieter part of the club where three men were seated. A black briefcase sat on a wooden table, one of the men who was sitting down and his back turned to me, shook the opposing man's hand and took the briefcase from the table.

"Crap! Is that Valentine?" I asked only half surprised.

"Yeah, quiet he's coming over here," Ty replied and I quickly stayed quiet.

Valentine walked over to us with two--let's say sluts. "Ah Katherine, we have already sold your use to someone, so this will be the first and last club and party you will attend on my behalf,"

"Who is he?" I asked.

"That's classified information, Katherine. Now you can leave or stay I don't really care," he said grunting and walking away with the two slutty blondes.

"That's classified information," I mimicked.

"So Kate do you wanna stay? Or lea-" I quickly cut him off by walking away.

I need a drink. I want a drink.

I walk over to the bar, where a cute bartender named Jack, smiles at me and asks me what I want.

"Two shots of Tequila please," I say handing him thirty dollars.

"Oh no, all the drinks have been paid for the night," he says putting two shot glasses in front of me.

"Thank you," I say smiling and chugging down the two glasses in a matter of seconds.

"I'll have three more," I say knowing where this will end up.


Three hours later:

"Wooohh!!!!" I screamed atop a table, half-naked.

"KATHERINE!!!" A distant and familiar voice shouted at me, yet I didn't care.

I started grinding to the music, I couldn't hear the lyrics over all the shouting that people were doing for me to take my bra off.

What the heck! I thought.

I fumbled with my bra's clasp, until one of the hooks came off. Just as I was about to take off the other one a string pair of arms snaked itself around my waist and lifted me up off the table and onto his shoulder. The unknown man ignored my screaming protests and brought me outside to the cool and crisp air.

"What the hell!" I slurred to the man you gave me his jacket.

"Katherine! What the hell were you doing?" The man asked looking down and tying his shoe laces, I still haven't seen his face.

"How do you know my name?" I asked feeling dizzy and wobbly.

He stood up and I almost face palmed myself. Duh!! Katherine it's Ty!

"Hehe! I know you! Your that cute guy that kidnapped me!" I said happily.

"Your drunk, god Katherine you are so drunk! How much did you drink?" He asked me running a hand through his sexy hair.

"Uhhh....I had six shots if Tequila, one full bottle of Vodka and shot of Jack Daniels," I said sitting on the dirty club floor.

"Why'd you have so much?" Ty asked and sat down next to me.

"My life is sooooooo fucked up, and I just wanted to get rid of the pain. Plus you are very very hot," I said slurring the last part.

Ty scooped me up and placed me inside his black ford.
He got into the front seat and the engine roared to life and we drove off in silence.

Ty really cared about me, I mean who else would've stopped me from stripping naked in a club? Let me rephrase what guy would do that? Let's see Ty. And who saved my life? Ty. Who can I trust with my life? Ty.
This really was inevitable.
I am in love with Ty. I am in love with my kidnapper.

A/N: HEY GUYS:) I'm just gonna start off by saying 1.4K reads is the boss!! I know this is really late, but I was on vacation and I literally got back two hours ago. I also apologize for this being a SUCKY chapter, you guys deserve better, but you see I LOVE and NEED to sleep early and my flight was at 1;00 am, so I was tired like hell, and then I couldn't sleep in the plane since I couldn't find a comfortable position! So I ended up looking like a retarded seal trying to sleep. Now I'm ranting. Anyways I LOVE YOU GUYS!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT! I need to know your feedback on my chapters, and I SERIOUSLY appreciate it for those who have commented. Vote-Comment-Read-Follow:)
Have a wonderful day:)

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