Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Katherine POV

After the kiss, that nearly melted me, we went on our day as normal, as normal it can be, being kidnapped by a damn fine and sexy kidnapper.

Not a word was spoken we just kind of ignored each other but it was comfortable I didn't want to say anything it would've probably been pretty awkward of I had.

I fell asleep on the bed comfortably that I was asleep in an instant and Tyrone went to sleep on the floor with a spare mattress.


"Katherine, come here now!!" a rough voice said to me.

"No, no I won't!!" I said in a young girls voice.

"You come here right now!!!" He hissed.

"You can't make me!!!" I screamed.

I ran as fast as my legs could take me, I started running out of the building, looking left and right in the deserted city since it was two in the morning, I took off left remembering that was the direction of the police station.

"Katherine!! You come here right now or when I get you you will he sorry you ever ran away,"

I didn't care I ran even faster, I ran to the police station and opened the door hastily around twenty pairs of eyes were staring at me just when I was about to speak I collapsed on the floor form exhaustion, all I could here were the screams of the officers and people dialing on their phones.


I sat up straight so fast I thought I might topple on Tyrone who was lying on the mattress.

The shirt I'm wearing was drenched in sweat from the dream...or was it a dream, it felt so real.

My head hurt and I felt dizzy I got out of bed disgusted at my appearance that I didn't even bother with a shower I walked to the kitchen and started looking threw the door for some aspirin.

I found it in one of the cabinets and took out a glass I turned on the tap and took out two pellets.

I dropped them in and waited for a couple seconds then I gulped it down, my headache slightly subsided a bit but it still felt pretty bad, I walked back to the room and walked around Tyrone's sleeping body and slipped back in bed, and I fell asleep once again.


I woke up for the second time that day pretty exhausted.

Tyrone was already up and in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Was this how it would always be? Just going about the day normally, pretending I've not been kidnapped? Just sit here and wait for the months to go by? Should I escape? Leave Tyrone? I could run away right now and never come back! I know where he keeps the keys it would be easy hell never suspect a thing! Should I do that to him? Should I do that to Tyrone? Leave him after all we've been through which is about two weeks of our lives? I'm scared yes, I'm worried of what I might find out, the secrets kept from me.

I walked to his dresser and pulled out a baggy T-shirt and sweat pants and walked to the kitchen deep in thought.

As I sat down Tyrone was just putting the bowl of oatmeal in front of me. I made a face indicating I didn't want it.

"Eat," he ordered while pointing to the disgusting bowl of slop.

"Nah, I'm good," I said.

"Katherine, you must eat, breakfast is the most important meal of the day," he stated.

I rolled my eyes at that cliché remark, and grabbed my spoon to take a bite out of the so called 'food'.

Hold your nose. Hold your nose. I tole myself.

So that's just what I did.

Tyrone chuckled at this and started eating his own bowl, shaking his head at my childish nature.

Hey! Don't hate the player hate the game!

"Kate?" He said.

I adore it when he says it.


"Simon is coming today, in a couple of hours," he responded.

"Who's Simon?" I asked.

"He's the man you came several days before, who asked you questions," he said bluntly.

"I thought he was Robert?" I asked confused.

"Well it's Simon Robert Valentine, I know it's a really weird name especially the Valentine part, but yeah," he said pushing his hands through his hair wildly.

Weird...but whatever.

"Why?" I asked frightened.

Last week scared me, like a lot, I didn't know what to do this random guy that I have never met before just starts calling me a bitch and is just stating that I know him! Which I don't and if I did I would not forget that's all kinds of creepy.

"He uhh...needs to know if you remember anything..we have a very big project and we need you,"

"Why me?" I asked.



"Shit he's here!" Tyrone exclaimed.

"Well I'm ready," I said confidently.

"Bring him on,"

A/N: Hello!!! Well now Robert Simon Valentine? I just made that at the top of my head:) so how's everyone doing? Good? Good? Sorry if it's getting REALLY boring, but it will pick up soon I promise! And the project?? What project!!??! I know!! It's a project_______ that's why they need Katherine cause_________!

And I think the chapters are getting shorter!! This is unacceptable!! Well I try my hardest:)

Bye lovelies:)

Remember to VOTE- comment- SHARE- fan- and whatever else:)


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