Chapter 4.

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The sound of soft rainfall fills the cold bedroom. The house is quiet and still. The only sound, beside the rainfall, is Harry's heart beating deep within his chest. His warm naked body against my own naked body. Who needs heating throughout their house when you can have a naked Harry Styles underneath a lump of cool white sheets?

"Charlie..." Harry whispers, his face focused to the ceiling above.

"Yes Harry?" I whisper back, swirling my fingers on the tattoos across his chest.

"Do you want children?" He asks, turning his face towards mine.

I stop swirling my fingers on his chest and take a deep breath. The ultimate question for every newlywed. I knew that it would come. We had talked about it before we got married. We jokingly named our future children and talked about what they might look like. We named our son William and our daughter Gracie.

I told Harry that I would rather our children look like me and act like him. Harry is incredibly good looking but his spirit is the most beautiful thing about him. The way that he sees life and experiences it, it's something very special. I would definitely want our children to be full of wonder and happiness like Harry. If you really had a say in the matter they would both look and act like him.

"Of course..." I whisper back, smiling up at him.

"Yeah?" He asks, shrugging his shoulders.

"Mhm..." I nod, fixing my head back into the crook of his arm.

"I think we should start trying..." He whispers again, looking back to the ceiling.

"Oh really?" I ask, going back to outline his tattoos with my small fingers.

"Yeah, I want a little Styles..." He says with a thick laugh.

"That would be the most adorable thing in the world. You with a baby..." I whisper, smiling at the thought of Harry with a baby.

"You've seen me with Lux..." He says, looking back towards me.

"Yeah but it would be different with our baby. You couldn't just turn him or her back to their parents. We would be their parents..." I say, laughing at the thought of Harry trying to make anyone taking a crying baby from him.

"I know that..." He whispers through a small laugh.

"We can try if you want..." I whisper suggestively.

"Are you saying you want to go for round two?" He asks, sitting up against the headboard of the bed.

"I mean, I'm not saying that I don't want to go for round two..." I smile, shrugging my shoulders lightly.

"I think you're asking for it..." He smiles back, leaning forward for a kiss.

"No, I think you're begging for it..." I laugh, pushing his face away.

"Rude!" He exclaims, leaning back against the headboard.

"It's funny teasing you..." I whisper, pulling the loose sheets up against my chest.

"It's not funny it's mean!" He laughs, covering his face with his large hands.

"I am not a mean person!" I squeal, tossing my pillow at him.

"Oh, a pillow fight now huh?" He asks, taking his hands off of his face.

"" I whisper, backing away from him slowly.

"Yes...I think so..." He whispers, clutching on to his pillow tightly.

"Harry, put the pillow down..." I laugh, putting my hands in front of my face, hoping it will block any blows that he may provide with his pillow.

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