Chapter 22.

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Note: This fanfic now has a trailer to it! You can find the trailer on the right side of the chapter! Major credit to @sabrinast! Thank you so much for the beautiful trailer! I'm obsessed with it!

Another Note: It also got a new cover! What do you guys think? The cover was made by @ILoveYou_Not!

Rain falls lightly outside of our hotel room window, strong wind whipping up leaves and dust. It seems as if we've brought the London weather with us to Los Angeles. I take a deep breath and watch as the cars below drive by. A few photographers point their cameras up at me, eager for my attention. I smile weakly and give them a brief wave. I'm really not in the mood to be followed around by cameras.

The flight here was terrible. I had Harry next to me and Daniel in the seat behind me. It was the most awkward flight that I've ever been on. None of us talked. Instead we focused on our magazines, iPods and sleep. If the flight here wasn't bad enough, Daniel is in the room next door. There's no way that I'll be able to rest easily with him so close to me at night. Him being so close to me at night it was got us into this whole ordeal.

"Are you almost ready?" Harry asks, standing behind me.

"Uh, yeah..." I nod, continuing to stare down at the photographers.

"Charlie?" Harry asks, walking closer to me.

"Yeah?" I murmur, my attention stuck to the world outside.

"Are you okay?" He asks, placing a hand lightly on my shoulder.

I think for a second. Am I okay? I don't think that I am. My stomach is in knots, I haven't slept well and the only food that I could manage to choke down in the last 12 hours was a handful of nuts that the flight attendants offered me on the plane. No, I don't think I'm okay.

"Yes..." I lie, nodding my head and smiling back towards him.

"Well, we should get going before we're late..." He says, grabbing a jacket and walking towards the door of the hotel room.

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse..." I say, throwing my purse on my shoulder.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Harry asks, opening the door.

"No..." i groan, shaking my head.

"Everything will be fine..." Harry whispers, nodding towards the ground.

"Harry, what if this baby isn't yours?" I ask, standing in front of him.

"I don't know..." He shrugs, his focus still on the floor below his feet.

What? No. He told me that he would stay no matter what. He said that he would love this baby even if this baby wasn't his. That's what he told me back home. He can't just get here to Los Angeles and completely change his mind.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I ask, hurt flowing freely through my voice.

"I mean, I don't know Charlie..." He shrugs again, his dark eyes meeting mine.

"But you said-" I begin, before I'm cut off.

"I know what I said before but I just..." He whispers, shaking his head.

"You just what?" I ask, shaking my own head.

"I don't know if I could watch you have his baby..." He whispers, his guilty eyes staring back at me.

"You said that you would support me and this baby no matter what..." I whisper, tears immediately forming in my eyes.

"I know that I said that but it's a lot harder to imagine going through with that promise when we're minutes away from getting the test done..." Harry says, shaking his head.

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