Chapter 7.

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"Babe, I'm so sorry..." Harry cries on the other end of the phone.

My heart shatters into a million pieces. I can't believe all that he's telling me. I can't believe that he's actually apologizing for something that I didn't want to hear. I didn't want to actually believe that he cheated on me. I didn't want to believe it and I definitely didn't want to hear it. Not anymore.

"Harry..." I sob, leaning my head hard against the wall of the bathroom door.

"Charlie...sweetheart..." He cries, his voice thick and unclear.

"I have to go..." I cry, quickly ending the phone call.

My head throbs with pain and my chest contracts, holding all of the air that I have inside of me. I try to contain my sobs, covering my mouth with my hands. I don't want Daniel to hear me crying in here. That would be too embarrassing. I'm embarrassed enough already.

Harry cheated on me. Harry cheated on me with some girl that he didn't even know that well. Management is already cleaning up the mess that he's made. They've talked to the girl and explained what will happen if she ever speaks of their night together. The thought of Harry being with someone makes me sick.

Her hands being on his chest and his hands being on her hips. I choke back more tears and try to convince myself that I'm not going to throw up. I'm not going to make myself sick off of this. I'm not going to allow it. I slide down the door of the bathroom and bury my head into my knees, sobbing gently.

He had explained everything. He talked about how he just wanted to have one drink and let go a little bit. He talked about how the girl had approached him. He said she was very nice and pretended to be a dedicated fan. In reality, she was just some chick hoping to hook up with him. In the end, she won.

I try to catch my breath as the sobs get ahold of me. My whole body has grown increasingly warm and my body is trembling. My nerves are an absolute wreck. I'm an absolute wreck.

"Charlie?" Daniel whispers on the other side of the door.

"Please Daniel, go away..." I sob, my vision blurry from all the tears flooding my face.

"Charlie, come on..." He whispers, offering a simple knock on the door.

"Go away!" I shout, clutching on to my knees.

"Charlie, I know you're upset but we really need to talk about this..." He explains, his voice growing more serious.

"This isn't business anymore Daniel! This is my life!" I shout, growing angry with him.

He just doesn't understand. He's a fantastic business manager, but I'm sure that's what he sees it as. Business. Business can come later but right now this is my life and my heart is shattered. I don't want to talk about anything revolving the media and what they might say. The truth is, I don't care what they say anymore.

"Please, Charlie..." He whispers again.

I take another deep breath and slowly arise from the floor. I carefully unlock the door and peer up at him. He's leaning against the door frame, his hands deep in the pockets of his suit. He smiles a half smile and pulls me into his arms. As soon as he touches me I'm back into being a sobbing mess.

"I know..." He whispers into my hair.

"What did I do wrong?" I sob, digging my nails into his back as I cry.

"Nothing. You did nothing wrong..." He explains, rocking me softly back and forth.

"I did..." I cry, nodding.

"What did you do?" He asks, confused by my statement.

"I don't know..." I cry, burying my head deeper into his chest.

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