Q & A!

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Hello everyone!

Wow, it feels really odd to post under "Backwards" instead of "Forwards" now. However, Backwards is still wildly popular which I'm very very thankful for! In fact, it's gaining reads like crazy! So, thank you so much for that! This book and all of you guys have really changed my life and have motivated me and inspired me greatly as a writer. I'm so happy that you all love Backwards so much and have had such a connection to it.

Anyways, I wanted to go ahead and set up a "Q and A" for you readers! I still receive a lot of questions about Backwards on my Twitter so I decided to go ahead and set up a section here in the book. It's just easier to do it this way that way everyone can see the questions and my replies.


- You can ask me questions about Backwards, Forwards and even personal questions!

- Please do not ask me to read your stories in the space below. If you want me to read your story, please ask me under my "Book Reviews" or just send me a personal message here on Wattpad and I will try to get to your story asap!

- If you have not finished Backwards or have not begun to read "Forwards" yet, read the questions and answers at your own risk! They may spoil the chapters for you so please keep that in mind.

Ask away!

- Sarah

Backwards // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now