Chapter 15.

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Writers' Note:

Hello everyone! So, I decided to write a chapter today since I was supposed to yesterday but I couldn't yesterday because I was so busy, but I found some free time today and wrote this little baby down! I'm really sorry that it's not a long chapter. It's kind of a "filler" chapter to get us through the holidays. I hope that you guys still like it though! I mean, you guys are so amazing. Honestly, this story has over 2k reads in less than two weeks and I could just cry. I really have the best readers/friends. You all are so amazing and you have no idea how much each read, each vote, and each comment means to me. This story is my baby. So, thank you for reading it! Merry Christmas!   - Sarah

My phone buzzes on the nightstand next to my bed. Ugh. I really don't want to wake up to answer my phone. I've been trying to get a decent sleep for the past few nights and it's just not working. My body is still sore from the accident in Hawaii and every time I close my eyes I can see the bright lights and noise. It's like being in the accident all over again every time. It's pure torture.

I place my pillow over my head, attempting to drown out the buzzing of my phone. It doesn't work. My cell phone vibrates the table next to me. I groan slightly and remove the pillow from my face. I reach over to the nightstand and grab my cell phone. It's already after 9:00 in the morning. Weird, it still feels like the middle of the night.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"Charlie! This is your wake up call! Get up and get going, I'll be there in an hour..." Francesca mutters on the other side.

"What?" I ask, rising in the bed.

"You heard me, this is your wake up call! You and I are going to get out today. I know you've been locked up in your house since returning from Hawaii..." She says.

"How do you know that?" I ask, looking over to Harry's empty side of the bed.

"A little birdie told me..." She laughs.

"Is this little birdie Harry?" I ask, laughing slightly.

"Maybe..." She mutters, shrugging her shoulders I'm sure.

"Francesca..." I groan, pulling the covers up to my neck.

"No! Charlie, you are getting out today! I'll be there in an hour and that's final!" She says, hanging up quickly so that I can't argue with her.

I groan once more and slowly get up from bed. My body is still sore and a little stiff. Luckily the bruise that was once taking up half my forehead is gone now. However, the dizziness is not. I stumble into the bathroom, starting the a hot shower. A hot shower is the only thing that sounds good right now.

I slip out of my pajamas and move into the shower. The hot water streams down my back and neck, instantly releasing stress. I remember the shower that Harry and I shared the first day of being married. Back when everything seemed so easy and not secretive. Well, the secretive part is mostly on me. I feel terrible for what I've done.

I've decided in my mind that this child is Harry's child. Even if it's not. I will go to my grave swearing that this baby is his. I'll never acknowledge the possibility that the baby could be Daniels'. That starts today. I'm not even going to give Daniel a thought. Not anymore.

I sigh and stop the water. Francesca will be here soon enough so I really need to stop stalling and get ready. God knows that I can't leave the house without the perfect outfit and flawless makeup, if I do the media will run with my bare face and hideous casual clothes for weeks. Being a model and Harry Styles' wife requires a lot of work.

I put on a comfortable pair of fitted jeans and top it with a floral blouse and a light pink blazer. For shoes, I'll just wear a cute pair of white flats. That's simple enough. With my makeup I decide to go a bit more natural, only wearing a thin layer of foundation, mascara, creme blush and a light pink lip gloss. Oh well, that will have to be good enough.

By the time I finish getting ready, the doorbell is ringing downstairs. I check my phone to see if Francesca has sent me a message confirming her arrival. Nothing. Huh, that's strange.

I run downstairs, eager to answer the door.

"Frances-" I begin before I realize that it's not Francesca.

It's Daniel.

"Charlie..." Daniel murmurs.

He's wearing his typical attire, a suit and tie. His eyes are still a gorgeous bright green but this time his left eye is accessorized with a slight blackness underneath it. The results of the accident in Hawaii. He also has a few small cuts on the lining of his hair, that must have been from the pieces of glass from the windshield. I had experienced the same thing but my cuts were mostly gone by now.

"Daniel..." I whisper, surprised by his presence.

"I thought I would come and see how you're doing..." He nods, burying his hands in his pockets.

"I'm fine." I mutter, moving a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

"That's good. I'm happy that you're okay..." He smiles, nodding slightly.

"Yeah, you too..." I agree.

"So, uh-" He begins.

"Daniel!?" Francesca squeals behind him.

He slowly turns around, wondering who must be so excited to see him. Of course it's Francesca. She's had a crush on him since I hired him as my manager. He doesn't know that though. He just thinks that Francesca flirts with everyone. He's kind of right about that actually.

"Francesca! Hey!" He smiles, reaching out for a hug.

"Hey!" She squeals, hugging him tightly.

I roll my eyes.

"How are you?" He asks, smiling down at her.

"Great! How are you? I heard about your accident, I'm so sorry..." She says, resting her hand on his shoulder.

Oh please.

"Yeah, no...I'm fine." He nods, burying his hands back in his pockets.

"Oh, well that's good then! I'm happy that you and Charlie weren't severely injured..." She says, smiling over at me.

I smile lightly back at her.

"Yeah, me too. Well uh, I just wanted to come check on Charlie here. I should let you girls go..." He says, slowly backing up.

Thank God.

"No, you should grab lunch with us! There's a new Italian place and I've heard nothing but amazing things about it! You should totally come..." She laughs, grasping on to his arm.

Oh no.

"Oh, if that's fine with Charlie?" He asks, smiling over at me deviously.

Shit. I can't just say "no." That would be incredibly rude and would definitely prove that something is going on between the two of us. Francesca would definitely pick up in it too. I can't risk Francesca finding anything out. Francesca is a great friend but she's terrible at keeping secrets. I have a secret that I can't risk letting free.

"Um, sure..." I shrug, smiling at him.

"Great!" Francesca squeals, clapping her hands together.

I just stare back at Daniel. He knows that I didn't want him to go. He knows everything that I'm probably feeling. That's what scares me about Daniel so much. He knows a lot. A lot more than I care to admit.

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