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I'm Ellena Johnson. I'm 18. I lost everything 2 years ago. I lost my parents, my soul, my heart and all my feelings. Yeah I lost myself and I found all my fears. I live all alone with my fears and nightmares. I have friends, but they don't know the truth about me. They don't know that I'm lost and broken. But they know that I'm strong. Yeah I'll be strong. I'll break the glass that's surrounding me. I'll be a different person. I'll do it.

I woke up with a headache. Last night I drank a little bit too much. I don't remember that much about yesterday's party, but I think I had fun.


Oh no.

The dare.

No, no, no. It was just a dream. Or it was real. Ok, probably Harry doesn't remember anything from last night.
I was sinking in thoughts when someone knocked the door.

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

I was about to open the door when I realised that I'm naked. Oh shit. I pulled out an oversized shirt and put it on. I also put my long wavy brown hair into a messy bun and opened the door wondering who it was.
Of course... Harry..
"Hey babe." He smiled at me. Damn, his voice...
I was speechless for a moment, then my face turned dark and cold.
"What are you doing here??"
"Nothing", he smiled again." Just came to see my lovely girlfriend".
That's it. I can't do this. His smirk, his confidence, and his perfection.. Dang it.
"To see your what?????"
"My girlfriend for 60 days. Should I come in?" He looked straight into my eyes and I got lost for a moment.
I know Harry for a year already, he's one of Louis' best friends. And Louis is my best friend, so I have to get along with Harry. He's 20, but acts like a 7 year old kid. I always tried to keep a distance from him, but now I have to see him everyday and pretend that he's my boyfriend. Great. Just great.
Oh.. he was still there. I let him in, and he made himself comfortable on my sofa.
"Do you want a drink?" I tried to be nice, but my face told everything.
"No love, thank you." He smiled and got up of his seat. He made his way to myself and stood infront of me. His deep voice rang again.
"Ok, so your my girlfriend now, and we should see eachother EVERY day, EVERY hour, EVERY minute, EVERY sec-"
How can he be this annoying?? I swear I'll beat that smirk out of his face. Ugh this 60 days are gonna be tough...
"Don't be rude Ellena, I'm sure we'll get along. Let's make a deal." He leaned closer to me. "Every day let's tell one of our secrets to eachother. So we're gonna share 60 days and 120 secrets."
"Why should I tell you my secrets???"
"Because I wanna make this 60 days more interesting. C'mon El please???" And with these words he made a puppy face. Can he get cuter???
"Ok.... I agree.."
I really want to have some fun. No, I NEED to have some fun. But Harry.... He annoys me really bad. Maybe knowing his secrets will help me to see him from the other side.. I'll never know till I try.
Harry leaned even closer. Now our faces are inches away. His breath tickled my face as he spoke.
"I promise I'll make these days interesting for both of us".
I have to admit that he sounds promising.
But before saying anything I took a step back.
"Do you know anything about personal space?" Ok, maybe I sounded a little bit rude.
He grined and made his way to the door. I was about to close the door when he stoped me.
"And by the way, we're going to a date this evening. I'm taking you at 7 p.m. Wear something nice".
He left with those words leaving me speechless.

60 Days 120 SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now