Chapter 25

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I woke up but something was wrong. I didn't find Harry in the bed. Thought I was very happy. Yesterday was the best day. Harry said that he loved me. I can't imagine that something better can happen. This is what I want.

I was laying and dreaming. But Harry hasn't returned yet. So I decided to find him myself.

I went to the kitchen but Harry wasn't there.

"Harry??!!!" I called but silence answered
Harry wasn't at home.

I entered the sitting-room and saw a paper on the table. I took it and started to read:

Hey Ellena. Good morning. Sorry that I wasn't around when you woke up. I went out. I'll explain you everything when I return.

I felt something strange. Is something wrong? But no Ellena!!! Everything is alright. Don't think about something bad.

I went to the bathroom and washed myself. Then I went to Harry's room and changed my clothes. I was combing my hair when Harry entered the room.

"Hey Harry" I smiled and hugged him.

He smiled a little and hugged me back.

"Ellena-" I cut him.

"Yes. I'm hungry too. Let's go to the kitchen and I'll make something to eat" I touched his cheek.

"No. I wasn't going to tell that. I have to say something. But please listen to me."

"Harry. What's wrong?" my voice was weak.
I was so happy just in the morning. Will something hurt me???

"Love come sit" he lead me and we sat on his bed. "I don't know how to tell this."

"Harry speak!! I can't even breath-"

"Just remember that I love you."

"Harry I love you too."

Harry took my hands into his "Love I... we can't be together" he looked at out hands.

I felt the first tear rolling down my cheek "What???!!!"

"Please Love don't cry I-"

"Harry what's going on? I can't understand. Why can't we be together?????" I started crying.

"I have to leave this country. I have some reasons and can't talk about it."

"Harry after all this that happened you come say that we can't be together because you have some reasons???" I stood and shouted "I can think about one thing. You don't love me!?"

Harry stood and took my hand "I love you. You are the most important person in my life. But-"

"But what? But you don't like seeing me happy? That's why you leave me?" I couldn't even speak normally.

"No!!!" Harry shouted. I haven't seen Harry like this "Ellena I love you and I can't imagine my life without you!!!" He continued to shout "but as I said I have some reasons and we can't be together!!"

"Stop Harry. Stop shouting at me. I can't withstand this anymore!" I shook my head and wanted to leave the room but Harry caught my hand and made me stand in front of him.

"Please Love. I don't want you to hate me."

"My love is so strong that I can't hate you. But you broke my heart and-" Harry's hug cut me.

"Love please don't make me feel worse."

"Harry why can't we be together?" I calmed down and asked.

"I can't say" he answered touching my hair.

"Harry please don't leave me. I can't live without you" I was crying so hard and Harry hugged me even tighter.

I felt my eyes shutting and fell on his chest......

"Ellena!!!!!" I heard Harry shouting "Ellena wake up!!"

I suddenly opened my eyes. The room was dark. I was in bed and Harry was next to me.

"H... Ha.. Harry.." I cried when I realized that was a dream.

"Ellena? Are you alright? You had a nightmare I guess" he hugged me tight and I hugged him back.

"Harry please don't leave me. Please..!!" my tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Love what are you talking about? I will stay with you. You are my everything and I won't leave you" he kissed my forehead.

"I love you Harry. I c... can't live without you"

"Kitten don't cry. I'm here. You're mine, I'm yours and nothing can divide us. Try to sleep."
I nodded and shut my eyes.

In the morning I woke up and saw Harry smiling at me.

"How long have you been awoken?" I asked Harry.

"Mmmhh an hour I think" his morning voice was so deep.

"What were you doing?"

"I was looking at an angel" he smiled and kissed my lips softly.

"You are an angel" I answered.

"No you are!" He spoke.

"No you are an angel!"

"We both are" Harry said and we both laughed.

"I'm hungry Love" he told me.

"Poor Hazza. I'll make something now. Just wait until I'll wash myself and change my clothes.

"Ok. Just hurry up or I'll eat YOU" he said the word you like a little boy and I laughed.

I got up, went to the bathroom and did what I supposed to do.

When I finished we went to the kitchen and had breakfast. After breakfast we went to the sitting room.

"What do you want us to do Love?"

"Mmmhh..... I want to watch a movie with you."

With my words Harry got up, connected a movie and sat on the sofa.

"Come to me" Harry opened his arms and I lied down on his chest.

The movie was really sad. It was about two lovers and at the end I cried.

"Harry promise that you won't leave me."

"Kitten we'll always be together. I PROMISE YOU" Harry answered and kissed my lips.

The rest of our day was funny and interesting. We played games and even have a pillow fight.

When we went to bed to sleep Harry asked me this: "Love, why do you keep saying me not to leave you. Don't you know how much I love you?"

"I know Harry. But my dream... you said that we can't be together and though it was a dream, it hurt me so so much. I don't want me to feel that. I can't live without you. Every minute I think about you. I miss you even when you're next to me. I love you. I love your smile. I love your eyes. I love this cute dimples" I smiled and showed his dimples.

"You make me happy. You're the best and I won't leave you ever" he kissed me and we slept hugging.

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