DAY 14

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I woke up. But today is not like other days. Today is the day when my parents died. I feel awful. After that day I can't live my life without any tears. They are not with me and it kills me inside. My mother always said to me that I must be strong in every situation. Now I'm trying to do that. But I can't. Every minute I feel that I'm getting weaker. Someone must help me. I guess that someone is... he is Harry. He is always by my side. He helps me when I need someone. He does everything to make me happy.
Now I am lying in my bed with Harry. He is sleeping. I am looking at him. He is like an angel when he is sleeping. He has such a cute face.....
I shut my eyes and tears fell down. I couldn't keep them.
"Ellena?" I heard Harry's morning voice. I slowly opened my eyes and looked into his eyes.
"Why are you crying Love? What happened?"
"Nothing Harry" I didn't want to make him listen to my problems. I hung my head.
"Look at me!" Harry took my face into his hands and rose my face "keep calm. Don't think about bad things. Ok?" I nodded and Harry kissed my head. We lied there about 20 minutes and got up to have breakfast. All the time I couldn't even fake a smile. I couldn't forgive me and forget about everything.
We were sitting on the sofa when Harry spoke.
"What's wrong with you Love? Why are you sad?"
"I'm not sad Harry. I'm just a bit tired."
"Tired? No. You aren't tired. What's going on?"
I couldn't keep my tears. I hugged Harry tight and started to cry.
"Love please speak to me! You are frightening me!"
"Harry. Today is the day my parents died. I miss them. I miss their every word. How can I get them back?"
"Shhhh Love. Don't cry. Don't think about your past. Everything has changed. Live your life. Think about today. Think about things that can happen today."
I was looking into Harry's eyes when he leaned down. We were very close. Our lips were so close. And......... our lips touched. Butterflies started to full my stomach. His lips were so soft and... Everything was perfect. Harry put his hand on my cheek and I grabbed his hair. In that moment Harry was the only thing I was thinking about. Suddenly I pulled away.
I was shocked. I could tell he's shocked too. Our eyes were wide open. We didn't talk for a couple minutes. At least I spoke.
"Ellena-" he cut me. "I ..."
"Harry. Forget this."
"Ellena. Listen. It was the only thing I was dreaming when I first saw you."
"Harry forget about this please. It was a mistake. I really didn't understand what happened to me."
"Listen Ellena. It wasn't a mistake. We really wanted this to happen."
"No Harry. Forget about this kiss." My voice was raising from the panic.
"Maybe you can. I can't forget about this kiss. It means too much to me."
I got up and went to my room leaving Harry alone to think a little.

Harry's P. O. V.
We kissed. I can't believe. Those seconds were just magical for me. I wanted this to happen. And I can't forget about this. It felt like I was kissing for the first time. Her lips tasted like a sweet candy that a little child wants to get. I want to get her kiss again. After this some things will change. Now I'm sure that I feel something to Ellena. And I know that she does too.

Ellena's P. O. V.
I entered my room and layed on my bed. I shut my eyes and the kissing scene appeared in front of my eyes.
I liked it. His lips were so kissable. I want to get up and kiss him again again and again. But it isn't right. And that was a mistake. So we must forget about this. Harry said that he wanted this to happen. He said that he waited this to happen and he can't forget about this. Was he lying or was he saying the truth? Maybe he feels something too as I do. We'll see.
I get out from my room. I couldn't look into Harry's eyes. He escaped from the eye contact too.
"Let's eat something Harry." We entered the kitchen and ate in silence. Then we went to the sitting room. I couldn't take that awkwardness anymore. I got up and entered the balcony. The fresh air helped me to think.
Suddenly I felt a jacket covering my shoulders.
"Ellena we need to talk."
"I'm listening Harry."
"Umm... Ellena that kiss wasn't an accident. It means something."
"No Harry it doesn't. Just forget about that kiss."
"It means a lot to me. There is something going on between me and you."
"Only the deal is between us Harry. Nothing else. We must forget about this and just...."
Harry turned me to his side and we were facing. He caught my shoulders.
"Ellena. I can't forget about that kiss. Maybe you can. But I can't. How can't you understand that you mean a lot to me. I can't look at you like a sister or a fake girlfriend. You are more for me."
I looked at the floor. Harry hugged me tight and we stood there like that 5 minutes.
"Let's enter the house Love. You're shaking. You're cold" and we entered the sitting room. There I sat next to Harry and put my head on his shoulder. He started to play with my hand. After that kiss I felt butterflies every time when he touched me. Is that wrong or right? I can't understand anything. Do I like Harry or no? Do I want to forget about the kiss or no? But I know one thing. I'm happy that Harry said that the kiss meant a lot to him. I guess he likes me too. I guess that kiss was our today's secret for both of us. I didn't want to say this out loud but after that I knew a secret. I think I like Harry.
"Well Love. I must go home."
"You can stay if you want Harry."
"No Love. I'll go. We both need to be alone now..."

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