Day 6(camping part 2)

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In the morning I woke up in Harry's arms. I found him looking at me and I smiled. We were alone in the tent.
"Wake up beautiful. It's time to have breakfast. Guys are waiting us. We'll eat and go to swim."
"Ok" I answered but in Harry's arms was so warm and comfortable that I didn't want to wake up. But I have to wake up because everyone was waiting us.
"Harry, can you please go out. I should change my clothes."
"Ok. But hurry up or Niall will eat everything and we'll stay hungry" he said seriously and I laughed.
I changed my clothes, combed my hair, went out and saw everyone looking at me.
"Yeessss!!! We can start to eattt!!" Niall cried and we laughed.
"Come to me Love" Harry said showing a free place beside him.
We ate and girls cleaned everything while boys were talking to each other. When we finished Liam said.
"Girls, get ready. We're gonna swim."
Everyone went to the tent and after 15 minutes we were ready. Every boy took his girlfriend's hand and Harry did the same to me and we went towards the lake.
"Liam do you know where are we going??" I wasn't sure that we were going in the right direction.
"Of course I know. I am here the third time and I know every place in this forest. So don't worry" he smiled.
The lake was quite far. And I was tired. I couldn't walk so fast. And that was a good opportunity for talking to Amber about what said Harry. All day I was thinking about his words. But... I.. I couldn't believe. I hope that's not true. I sat down on a big stone on our way.
"What's the matter Love?" spoke my careful "boyfriend".
"I'm just too tired for walking. I want have a rest a little."
"Well then I'll stay with you. Guys you can go." Harry said but I cut him.
"No. ummm.. Harry you go. Amber can stay with me right? And besides you don't know the way and Amber knows. So I'll have a rest with Amber and we'll come to you soon."
"Ok" said Harry and I think he understood that I wanted to talk to Amber.
Then all went and I stayed alone with Amber. I started the conversation.
"Amber. Umm.. as you say Harry is a jerk and broke your heart right?"
"Yeah, I meant it. He is a real jerk. Can't forget that day when he said that we were over."
"Umm... Look, you're my best friend and I know that you wouldn't lie to me right?"
"Um.. yes" she was confused.
"I'm with Harry already 4 or 5 days. I mean I knew him because before this I thought that he was a jerk. But... you know.. I don't think that Harry is that kind of a guy. Umm.. and he also said that he didn't do that-" Amber cut me.
"And you believe him? Not me? You're a good best friend. I didn't think that you could do that to me. Thank you very much." She said and went leaving me alone. I wanted to scream after her but something didn't allow me.
Good now I'm alone in this forest. But I feel that I did something wrong. What if Amber is right. I'm embarrassed. I don't know what to do. What to think. It's already 4 o'clock and I'm walking hopping that I'll find someone who can help me. Maybe now Harry is seeking me. I hope that he'll find me. But what can I say to Harry when he'll find me. Oh God help me. I'll walk and find guys.
It's already 6 o'clock and it's getting colder and darker. But I'm alone. What shall I do? I can't walk. I'll better sit and wait.
"Ellena???" Someone was screaming.
It's Harry. Yes it is Harry.
"Harry???" I screamed back.
"Ellena.." the voice came closer and I walked to that direction.
"Harry" I screamed when I saw him and run towards him. I jumped and we hugged. I was so happy.
"Oh thank God you're alright Love. You scared me to the hell. What happened?"
I was crying in Harry's arms.
"What's wrong Love???"
"Harry... I.. I fought with Amber. I was wrong.. I I said that I didn't believe her an...d she left m..e alone."
"Shhhhh. She doesn't deserve your tears. She's a bitch. You don't have to cry."

"Wanna hear a secret Harry?" I said when we were walking to our tent. "When I was lost and then saw you I was really happy that YOU found me."
"Here's my secret. When I was looking for you that hours were the worst for me. I thought about everything and understood how important you are to me." I smiled at his words.
We reached to our place and guys were around the campfire. I sat beside Zayn and while Harry entered the tent. After a minute I felt something on me. Harry brought his jacket and put it on me. So nice...
"Thank you" I smiled a little. Amber was talking to Niall but when she saw me she entered the tent. I hung my head almost keeping my tears. Harry hugged me and said.
"Keep calm Love. Everything will be ok. I promise you."
Guys talked but I didn't say anything. I was thinking of Amber. I must say her that I was sorry. But something inside me makes me believe Harry.
"Let's go sleep El" said Harry and I nodded. He helped me stand and we entered the tent. I lied next to Harry. He hugged me and made me feel warm. Something was wrong with me. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

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