DAY 5(camping part 1)

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I was in deep sleep when my phone started buzzing. I tried to ignore it, but the buzzing didn't stop. 5 minutes later I opened my eyes, which was really hard. I grabed my phone and saw 5 text messages. Of course... From Harry. I checked the time. It's 2:27 a.m. What's he thinking about???

H: Good morning Love:))
H: Are you asleep????
H: Okay wake up now.
H: Ellenaaaaa
H: I will text till morning if you don't wake up :(

I started typing which was really hard at 2 a.m.

E: What the hell Harry???
H: You're awake!!!!!!
E: What's wrong??
H: Louis texted me. The boys are gonna camp with their girlfriends :D
E: Good for them... What's the point of waking me up???
H: They want us to join them :))))
E: Couldn't you say that at morning???
H: We're going at 6 a.m. :/ you should get ready..

I was about to respond, when Louis texted me.

L: Good morning Ellenaaa :D
E: Are you guys kidding me???
L: Girls are coming to your place so you can get ready together :))))
E: Who the hell said that I'll come??
L: Harry :/

Again.. He did that again. I swear this is the last time I'm doing whatever he wants.
I got up, turned the lights on, brushed my teeth and took a quick shower to wake up. I was already dressed when the door knocked.
I opened the door and greeted Lilly (Niall's gf), Mia(Liam's gf), Ava(Louis' gf) and Amber(Harry's ex). I really love being around them. All of them are nice girls.
They got inside with some bags in their hands. We have 3 hours to get ready, and I don't know anything about our plans.
We talked for an hour. Seems like we're gonna camp for 3 days at a forest that I've never heard before. We picked some clothes for us and moved to the food.
"Niall said grab more of those." Mia laughed and we started packing. It was already 5:34 a.m. when we finished. I stepped to my bedroom to grab my phone and Amber followed me.
"How's it going with that jerk??" She asked, and I knew she's talking about Harry. Why does she hate him so much?
"Uhmm... we're doing okay..." I said not sure how to answer her.
"Stay away from him El... He'll break your heart too. You don't know him."
She was filled with so much hate.
"It's just a deal Amber.. " I answered, grabed my phone and joined the girls in living-room. My mind was full of weird thoughts. Is Amber right about him? Maybe Harry is just wearing an angel mask infront of me. Am I an another doll for him?...
Finally the door knocked cutting my thoughts. I opened it and 5 loud guys got inside. Niall ran to the bags and started searching the one which was filled with food. The rest of the boys grabed the bags.
Seems like we're ready to go.. boys came with 2 cars. Our drivers are Louis and Harry. We got inside the cars. Me, Zayn, Niall and Lilly are in Harry's car. The rest of us are in Lou's car. Niall sat in the front sit, beside Harry. Me, Zayn and Lilly sat at the backseat of the car. I was between Zayn and Lilly. And the car is too small for 3 of us to sit there. I should've been in Louis' car...
"You're squeezing meee" I said as Lilly and Zayn moved even closer.
They were doing that on purpose. I elbowed both of them and comfied myself. But seconds later they started teasing me again.
Niall and Harry were just laughing at me. What a great friendship.

The road was longer than I expected. I got sleepy and closed my eyes. An hour later the car stopped. I opened my eyes and saw Harry's blank face. The next moment I realised that I was sleeping on Zayn's shoulder. But what's wrong with Harry? We're not a real couple and this is just a deal...
I got out of the car, and everyone was already there. We were at a lovely forest, that had a lake. Louis and Liam were already trying to set one of the tents. The other boys joined them too. They had to set 2 tents. One for girls, and the other one for boys. But looks like things are not going that well. Niall is under the tent and Zayn is pulling him out. Liam and Louis are arguing with Harry about the tent setting "technique".
I know how to set a tent to be honest.. But I'll wait a little bit, because this scene is too funny.
They continued messing around for 2 hours. It's already 1 p.m and we don't have a tent. Great...
"Do you need help with that??" I shouted from Harry's car.
"No, we know wha- GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE NIALL!!!" Louis shouted back. Me and the girls were dying of laughter. We already finished with the "breakfast table" so all we got is to watch them and laugh.
"Are you sure babe???" Ava shouted to Louis.
"Yes, were doing pretty goo- DON'T TOUCH MY HAMMER HAZZA!!!!" I swear this camping is the most hilarious thing that happened to me.

We were silent for a minute, when Niall grabed his guitar and started singing some childish song about camping. We looked at eachother and burst out laughing. But I have to say, that song helped boys. The first tent is ready. Yaayyyy!!!!!!
"The breakfast is ready!!!" We shouted and the boys were already sitting on the blanked. We ate cookies with some juice. Yeah,we're having a breakfast at 3 p.m....
The next 4 hours boys spent on the second tent. And the final result is.....

We're left with 1 tent and 5 boys with scratches. So we have to sleep in 1 tent. Awesome...

"Now we need to get some dry branches for the campfire.
Everyone's going with their girlfriends, and Zayn you go with Amber." Louis commanded and took Ava's hand."Be here after an hour with dry branches."

Harry took my hand and we all walked in different directions. We were collecting branches and our walk was pretty silent, when I decided to speak.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
Harry looked at me and nodded his head.
"The reason that I didn't talk to you today, and acted weird is Amber's words..." I said looking at the ground.
Harry stopped walking and took my hand, causing me to stop too.
"What did she say?" He asked with an anger in his eyes.
"She said that you broke her heart and I'm your next victim.." I said quietly, not believing to my own words.
"Wanna hear a secret??" Harry said quickly.
"Amber is a BITCH."

I was shocked at his words. How could he say that? Amber is one of my closest friends.. H-how is that possible?
"I'm sorry I have to say this now, but Amber was the one who cheated on me after a year long relationship. Believe me or not.. this is the truth."
I was speechless..
Who should I believe? The girl who's been my best friend already 2 years, or the guy who tells me secrets every day, and sounds more believable...
I didn't say anything. I just took his hand and we leaded back to our tent.

It was too late for the campfire, so we decided to sleep. We grabed our sleeping bags and got inside of the tent. Ok this tent is waaayy to small for 10 people. I was laying between Harry and Ava. Or should I say Harry and Ava were squeezing me out.
"Good night guys." Liam said with a thin voice."Niall get your feet out of there." He continued with the same voice, causing us to laugh.
It was a little bit cold, so I cuddled close to Harry. He wraped his arms around me and I fell to sleep...

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