Day 18

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Harry's P.O.V.

I couldn't sleep all night. I was wide awake. I couldn't believe what happened. I sent text messages all night, but Ellena didn't answer. She rejected me. She doesn't care about my feelings. The feelings, that are too strong to forget.
But did I do something wrong? Did I hurt her? I canceled our plans just because I had to meet my cousin at the park. She came from USA and I haven't seen her for 2 years.. I planned to introduce her with Ellena today.. But I guess all my plans are fading away...
I tried to call Ellena again, but she didn't answer. I texted her again. She didn't respond. Why's she doing this to me?
Amber... Amber!! I know that bitch did something.
I quickly got up and put on some clothes. I called Amber but she didn't pick up. I grabed my car keys and made my way to Amber's house.

I knocked the door once. Twice.. But she didn't open. I called her again. C'mon pick up..
"Hello?" Her voice rang and my blood started to boil in my veins.
"Where the fuck are you??"
"Calm down Haz.. I'm at my room." She giggled with her words making me angrier.
"Open the door. Now."
I heard her footsteps and the door opened. She was standing there with her smirk on. How could I date this bitch?
"What did you say to Ellena?"
"When was the last time you spoke to her?"
"Uhmm 2 or 3 days ago.. I don't know... What's wrong?"
"Did you talk to her yesterday?"
"No.. Is she okay?"
I didn't say anything else. I just got back in my car and drove away..

Ellena's P.O.V.

My phone was buzzing all night. I turned it off at the morning. I don't even wanna know who's calling, though I'm sure it's Harry. I looked at the mirror..
My eyes were baggy and red, my hair was messy, my hands were still shaking. I was feeling so weak, that almost fell down. I decided to lay down for a couple minutes, and move on. Move on from Harry.

After 2 hours I got a text message. It was Louis. He wanted to meet me in the cafe. I guess Harry talked to him already..
I couldn't say "no" to Louis, cause he always helped me in my hardest hours. So I got up and started to get ready. At 4 p.m. I was in the cafe, but I couldn't see Louis. Instead of him I saw someone else. Harry...
I couldn't believe Louis did that to me. Why did he lie to me? My eyes watered and I burst out of the cafe. Harry followed me. U tried to run as fast as I can, but soon Harry grabbed my wrist and spun me around so I faced him.
"Why the hell did you ignore my messages???" Harry spoke with an anger in his voice.
"Let. Me. Go." I was acting more confident than I was feeling.
Harry got closer to me with my words. His eyes never leaving mine.
"You're gonna listen to me or-"
"Or what??? Or you'll kiss me??? You know what? I'm tired of your games, I'm tired of your texts and I'm tired of you!! You and your fuckin-"
I couldn't finish my sentence. Harry crashed his lips to mine.. He pulled me closer with his arm, that was wrapped around my waste. The feeling was.. just wow... But soon I forced myself to pull back. I looked at Harry and slapped him without thinking.
"I ignored your calls and messages. And from now I'm gonna ignore you and your existence." I could feel my voice trembling with my words, but I didn't care. I left him standing there. I left my feelings standing there with him.
I blocked Harry's number as soon as I got home. I'm not gonna forgive him. Never in million years..

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