Chapter 24

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Days are passing, but I don't have enough braveness to answer Harry's text messages. I feel like I didn't accept the best gift God's given to me. Now I miss Harry too much to forget him. But I don't want him to feel guilty about himself, cause the day when we broke the deal I couldn't explain anything. I just kept blaming him for a thing, that he hasn't done. We need to talk.. Right now.
I got up and changed my clothes. I put on a pair of high waisted skinny jeans and a crop top. It was hot outside so I decided to put my hair into a ponytail. When I was ready I grabbed my phone taking a deep breath. I texted Harry that we need to talk and I want to see him. He responded immediately making my heartbeats become loud. We decided to meet at the park where we were having walks very often. At the park, where I'd seen Harry and his cousin and freaked out. Not all memories are good about that park...
I grabbed my keys and got out. The walk to park seemed shorter, than it had to be. That's because I was thinking about the things I needed to say and the things I had to say Harry. I sat on the bench and pulled out my phone to text Harry. The sun was shining too bright to see anything on my screen. But suddenly a shadow covered my screen and I saw Harry's text.

H: I'm right behind you :)

Of course it was his shadow. I got up and saw Harry standing there with all his perfect features that I'm crazy about. His pink lips, perfect hair, long torso, muscular body, smile, eyes, dimples.... Everything is perfect about him.

"Are you gonna give me a hug or not?" He smiled and I took a step closer to him sure what to do.

"Come here."

He pulled me closer with his words and I hugged him tight. The feeling of his body pressing to mine brought back all the memories and feelings that I had and still have right now. I missed everything about him.
I didn't realise how long we've been hugging. I pulled back and looked at him. His eyes were shining like jewels. His lips were slightly cracked into a smile. And his arms never left my waist. I had so many things inside me, but I couldn't even open my mouth to say one word. I didn't know how to start. I felt guilty for breaking his heart... Finally I took a deep breath.

"I'm really sorry for what I've done to you.. I'm really sorry for breaking your heart. I'm sorry for not letting you explain what happened. I just saw you hugging with a girl, who turns out to be your cousin and I felt kinda cheated and a stuff like that and I didn't want to be heartbroken again so I didn't talk to you in a month-"

My breath hitched at the last part and I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.. But deep inside I was really impressed with my skills of talking that fast with one breath.
Harry's face was frozen during my talk. When I finished he let go a breath that I think he held because I was talking faster than the light. It took him a minute to figure out the words I said. Finally he smiled wide and pulled me into a tight hug. I felt so relieved that few tears escaped my eyes.
And that was the moment when I remembered that Harry is not single anymore.. I pulled out and faked a smile..

"Yeah.. so I hope it's clear to you what happened.. so.. uhm.. I wish happiness to you and Kate.." I turned around and tried to walk away when Harry grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"It's too late for that I guess.." He looked down. "I broke up with her after the dance that we had in the club.. I love you too much to be with other girls.."

His voice became barely hearable at the last oart of his sentence. He loves me.. It's not the first time he says that to me. But it's the first time I believe that words. I decided to tease him and give my answer in the evening, so I didn't say anything.

"Let's go to my house.. I think we still have to talk."

He ordered me his hand and I took it. We walked to his house and never stopped talking. We had so much things to say.
And we talked for hours in his house. It was already getting dark when I decided to say the words Harry was waiting for.

"Remember when we used to tell secrets to eachother?"

"Yeah.. You were cheating all the time.."

Harry's words made me laugh. And I realised that I love him more than I knew.

"So today I want to tell a secret.." I stood up and took Harry's hand making him stand close to me. " I love you too Harry."

Those words came out of my mouth easier than I had expected.
Harry squeezed my hand tighter and our lips formed into the widest smiles we've shared. Before I could do anything he crashed his lips to mine.
It felt like his lips we're the puzzle pieces that missed from me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and felt his hands tighten around my waist. The kiss was so deep and had everything we haven't said yet. We both got lost in the moment. I can't describe my feelings with words. All I can say is I saw an angel when we pulled away.

"It's getting late I should go." I smiled at Harry and tried to grab my phone, when he took my hand.

"You're not going anywhere BABE." He popped the babe out on purpose and I laughed at his cheekiness.

"Then what should I do BABE?" I mocked him and he laughed.

"We should go to bed BABE."

It took him a minute to spin me around and carry me to his bedroom in bridal style.

"I dont have pajamas."

He handed me one of his shirts that I think wold cover the half of my thighs. I cocked an eyebrow at him and asked for shorts of pants. He just smirked and didn't give anything to me.

"Are you gonna turn around.. I'm trying to change." I said when I realised he's eyeing me.

"Aww you don't need to be shy around me." He smirked but turned around after the look I gave to him.

We both got to bed. Harry was wearing only his boxers... as usual.
Instead of sleeping we cuddled for an hour.. I felt myself getting tired and rolled closer to Harry.

"Goodnight love"

"Goodnight Haz"

Harry kissed my forehead and I fell asleep on his chest...

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