Chapter 23

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Three weeks. Yeah. Three weeks I haven't talked to anyone. I'm not in mood. Everyday when I wake up I remember that day when I met Harry in the cafe. He doesn't think that he has done something wrong. Maybe he thinks that I haven't seen him and his ..... that girl hugging. No. Stop Ellena! Stop thinking about him. He spoils my life. Why do I have to cry every day? It's because of him. And I'll stop painting my life black and white only by forgeting him.
Not only Harry tried to call and talk to me. Louis. He is my friend. He tries to help me in every situation. He is kind and funny. Three weeks ago he lied to me. He said that he wants to see me in a cafe. But instead of him came Harry. Louis tried to help us. I guess he had noticed my feelings to Harry and tried to help. And now he is ringing. Will I be a good friend if I don't answer? I think no.
"Hey Ellena. How are you?"
"Hey Louis. I'm good. And you?"
"Oh Ellena.... I understand that you are upset. I want to make you happy!"
"You always make me happy. Talking to you makes me happy."
"Ok. But I want to say something else. And you have to agree."
"I'll think."
"We're going to a club today at 7. Get ready because you are coming with us."
"I said get ready. You have to relax. I'll take you at 7."
I started to get ready cause it was 5 o'clock. I had a quick shower. Then I did my hair and makeup:
I wore this:
It was already 7 when I heard the doorbell ringing. I opened the door and saw Louis.
"Hi gorgeous. You look so beautiful!"
"Thanks. You too. Umm.. I'm ready. Can we go?"
"Oh yes. Of course we can." I locked the door and we went to Louis' car.
"Guys are in the club already."
"Ok. Let's join them."
I just wanted to have some fun. I hope Harry won't be there. Of course he will!! He is Louis' friend. I hope he won't ruin my time.
We reached and went in. The place was big and the music was very loud. I couldn't listen to people when they were talking.
"Give me your hand not to get lost Ellena" Louis took my hand and led towards our friends. First person whom I saw.... of course it was Harry. He looked at me. I paid more attention on my friends and tried to relax. We wanted to play a game but we decided to do that later. We were dancing when someone took my hand and turned me.
"What are you doing Amber?" I was shocked.
"Ellena. We need to talk! Now!"
"I don't want to listen to you and your lies. You've already done your job. Isn't that enough?"
"Ellena please. It's very important."
"Ok. Say. But do it quickly."
"Let's go to the restroom. Here the music is loud."
We went to the restroom and had a seat.
"Ellena I feel so bad for things that I have done. I don't know are you gonna forgive me or not.. but I want this to say."
"Go ahead Amber."
"That girl in the park... with Harry... was.. was his cousin."
"What????" My eyes were wide open.
"Yes Ellena. She was his cousin. I lied to you but I'm so sorry. I regret for doing that. Please forgive me."
I didn't say anything. I got up and went out. I started to cry. I was wrong. Harry wasn't lying to me! I feel so lost. So uncomfortable. I have to talk to Harry and figure out everything.
I went to the club. I wanted to find Harry and tell him everything. I found him. But.. he wasn't alone. He was with our friends. And one girl was holding his hand.
"Guys come here" Harry spoke "meet my girlfriend. She is Kate."
What??? His girlfriend??
Very good.
I lost him.
But still I think that I have to say sorry to him. But not today. Maybe tomorrow...
We sat all together and decided to play a "game". There was a hat on the table. We all wrote our names on a paper and put it in the hat. Then we would take a paper with a name from that hat. And the player would dance with a person whose name was in a paper which the player had taken. They would dance a slow dance. So Louis started the game and took a paper from the hat.
"My partner is Ann." We all clapped and Niall continued the game.
"My partner is ... Zayn?" We all laughed.
"You have to dance with Zayn Niall! We may not change your partner."
I took the paper.
"Umm..." I looked at the paper... "Harry." I looked at him. "Umm.. but if Kate minds I can dance with-"
"No Ellena. It's ok" Kate said " it's just a game." She was really nice.
Players were ready. Harry took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He put his hands on my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders. We were dancing in a silence. I've missed him so much. I leaned closer to his ear.
"Harry we need to talk."
"I'm listening" his voice was so deep.
"Not now."
"Why? What will we talk about?"
"Umm.. about things that have happened."
"We can meet tomorrow."
"Ok.." I felt Harry's hand on my hips hugging me tighter.
I have missed you so so much Styles. I want to kiss him right now. But things are different now. He has a girlfriend.
I put my head on Harry's shoulder and we continued to move.
"I've missed your smell" I heard Harry saying.
"I've missed you." I looked into his eyes and we both smiled.
The music ended but we were looking into each other's eyes.
"Hey Harry. Can you get a drink for us?" Kate came and took Harry's hand.
"Oh.. yes." I let Harry go though it was hard.
The night was good. We danced a lot and had fun. When the party ended Louis took me home. I put on my pjms and went to bed.

(A/N) Hey Guys!!❤❤ Please check out my collection of Harry Styles One Shots!! Thank you, you're awesome!

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