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It started out like any other day alarm clocks blaring the sun piercing through the curtain onto my face siblings screaming and rampaging through the hall my brother Barry and my sister Kara always the first to the bathroom every morning. I get up slipping into ol' wheelchair and rolling into the hall. "Morning loud mouths." I smirk Kara rolls her eyes but smiles lightly "Morning Jacen." I nod my head in a bow as she bangs on the door trying to annoy Barry enough for him to get out "Come on I've got places to be too!" I laugh while I roll to the kitchen and make some cereal Mom never up don't ask.. and Dad's always at work by then it's up to me to make sure everyone's out the door in time LUCKY ME right? Anyway Barry walks out and grabs some pop tarts heading out no doubt to meet up with his 'girlfriend' for this week. I finish my food going and grabbing some clothes. "Let's not take an hour this time sis!" she walks out dressed in a black crop top and red hoodie with dark blue tights "Haha very funny!" I wink at her and roll into bathroom turning on Pandora on my phone American Idiot plays as I get dressed into black jeans red vans and one of my hundreds of Star Wars shirts "Get ready for another day in hell." I say looking at my reflection. I roll out and Kara is gone I shrug it off and head out to the bus stop just before the bus pulls up I put on a false smile and they let down the lift letting me on I see my own little Legion of Doom hanging in the back David and Matt. They lock down my chair and as soon as they leave they start up "Oh my god you should've went to the party last night." I sigh "I don't party you know this." He shrugs with a smirk as if I was crazy "There were girls galore! Booze were all over the kitchen it was fucking awesome!" Matt's the horn dog if you couldn't tell David not so much. David well he keeps to his books we're not much of the social type. But he will stab a motherfucker who crosses us if David has something to say you know it's important because he usually just silently lets people make mistakes then smirk when it happens the evil bastard but I love him. Anyway this is my family it's not much but it's mine. The bus moves on picking up a few more kids and then stops at the school with a long screech and we all get off Matt starts pushing me in telling me more about his 'party' I nod acting like I'm listening jumping in here and there when I hear key words as you can tell this is a constant conversation. We go down the hall maneuvering through the hall crossing through the stampede Matt and I laughing as we 'accidentally' bump into the preppy group "Whoops our bad!" I say in between my laughter and we get to the door and I let out a sigh I start pushing myself to my desk welcome first period ugh Anderson the worst Chemistry teacher in all of Coast City High he somehow made a way to make Bill Nye boring. How you ask? Notes, Study Guide, and Two Exams why 'Some people don't pay attention' I say punish them not the good kids. Anyway focus Jacen so Matt of course migrates to the girls and David goes to the back cracking a smile his nose buried in The Goblet of Fire for the thousandth time I'm observing the class smiles or groans from each person and then I saw her there was this new girl in the back she had black hair brown eyes spider bite piercings MCR shirt and black tights. She was sitting alone so I thought I'd say hello so I roll over and hold out my hand "Hi I'm Jacen." She smiles lightly and moves her hair behind her ear shaking my hand. "Emily nice to meet you."

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