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I don't know what the fuck to do I told Matt what happened and we both just kind of went silent as we decided it was best to go home he helped me in the car and we started to leave I look up at the sky and trees and buildings move by my mind racing with too many what if?'s to count
How could this happen? How could she be so reckless
Don't start jumping to conclusions you don't know the situation
You're right I'm sorry I'm just freaking the hell out
Matt reaches over rubbing my back tears still rolling down my face and I lean over hugging him "I'm sure she'll be fine man she's just gotta see you is all." I sniffle as I cry and he tries smiling reassuringly it helped me a bit because he usually doesn't even try "You are all she needs right now and you'll be there in no time." I groan "If it were no time I'd be there now." He rubs my back more "I know I know just an expression." I nod "I'm sorry." He shakes his head "Don't worry about it man I get it." I nod again "Thanks man." He pulls up to my house "Let's get you inside." He gets my chair and puts me in it I'm shaking to bad to do it myself at this point and he pushes me in and when we get to the living room he puts in Empire and starts making popcorn I flop on the couch still crying and wrapping a blanket around me Matt comes back with popcorn "Don't you human burrito me boy!" I poke my head and starting eating popcorn groaning in protest watching the movie and my crying lightens little by little as I begin to doze off half way through the movie I try my best to fight it but the crying has tuckered me out and I finally fall victim to unconsciousness later I awaken its late now I look at my phone 3:53 AM
I turn to see Matt out like a light
He stayed?
He's a worried friend
I smile lightly at his presence "Thanks bud." I whisper lightly trying not to wake him up and I lay my head back down closing my eyes shaking just slightly but I'm far more comfortable than earlier
I'm glad in light of all this stress I've got friends to help me through it.
You always have
I smile lightly "I know." I fall back asleep and dream of her and what I'm going to do when I get there I dream she awakens and we go like we never missed a day apart god do I hope she's okay..

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