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I groan waking up "Fuck what time is it?" 3:23 PM "Of course it is." I sit up and yawn scratching my head picking up my phone
Emily 5 texts "Hey I hope I didn't scare you yesterday."
"I hope you're not mad."
"You there?"
"Yeah you're probably mad."
"I'm sorry.."
My eyes widen as I quickly text her back
"Hey everything's cool I was just really confused. What happened anyway?"
I get in my chair going to the bathroom and getting a quick shower when I'm half way down my phone vibrates and I look at it
Emily Text "Oh thank god! Anyway sorry I told my dad I'd be home by 5:30 needless to say he wasn't happy."
I sigh as I'm just happy it wasn't me
"How mad?"
I text back sitting my phone down and finishing up with my shower and drying off before getting out and grabbing my phone as it vibrates
Emily Text "Well I'm cleaning the house so I'm not grounded we negotiate from time to time haha."
I laugh
"Well if you get finished you want me to swing by there? we can hang out."
I start to get dressed
Emily text 2
I finish up then look at my phone
"I mean it's probably best if I come over there."
I raise my eyebrow a little confused but I decide not to push and text her back
"Alright not a problem just come over whenever :3"
I roll out to the kitchen rummaging through the cabinet to see what's gonna be brunch
Emily Text "Is 6 okay? Dad said if I finish by then my curfew can be 11:00."
I smile and text her back
"No problem see you then."
Emily Text "Byyyye."
I giggle rolling my eyes and grabbing some TV dinners microwaving them and the scarfing them down as I read the newspaper dad left on the table once I finish I throw everything away and go to my room lay back down I look up at the ceiling and yawn again slowly I fall back asleep relaxed and comfortable for once it feels like I'm only asleep for a minute when I hear a knock on the door I get in my chair and roll down stairs opening the to see Emily "Hey you're here early." She laughs "Try again." I look at my phone 6:16 PM "Holy shit I'm sorry I took a nap and I lost all sense of time." I laugh and she pats my shoulder "It's just a bunch of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff anyway." We both laugh and I let her in we head straight to my room and play Skyrim passing the controller back and forth. She really seems to enjoy time here hell shes coming over more than my friends.
She likes you back
You don't know that
Why else would she come over so much?
I have good games?
Yeah okay
Okay even I'll admit that was a stretch
Just a stretch?
Look I'm just not ready yet okay?
"You're doing it again." I snap out of it "Huh?" She laughs hard "You're in your head doing the whole deer in headlights thing. What's up?"  I shrug
"Just waiting on the controller man." She laughs "Bullshit!" she punches my arm lightly but firmly I bite my lip "Alright alright. I think I like someone.. but I don't know how to tell them." She smiles "Oh yeah?" I nod and sigh "I'm a bit of my game." She shrugs "Have you tried this?" She leans over pressing her lips her soft warms lips

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