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We just talk back and forth well talk and type back and forth but hey it's communication it's better than before but we're communicating just like we used to the nerd references the watching movies together it was amazing it was worth all the work and all the patience in the world hell watching her read the Harry Potter books in silence was peaceful and I was just loving seeing her. Just her presence again is my whole world. I got my greatest wish. I got her back. We got a few days will to ourselves and by that I mean just the occasional doctors or nurses popping in to check on her progress and I've milked it for all it's worth it's been heaven but we all know happiness only comes in portions.. The nurse walks in and smiles "I think it's about time we start working on physical therapy." It seemed fine at first a little uncomfortable but just a little movement with the legs for a few days that was fine we both thought it was pretty easy but that was nowhere near what was to come. After those few days they started having her try to stand I held her hand whenever she tried and each time she'd fall and when she fell she'd get worked up and begin to cry "Hey hey shhh." I help her back up "This won't be easy but you can do this. We can do this." I kiss her she nods and we keep trying and trying after a few hours they want us to break and we'd take breaks and get back to it after a meal. We did that for days and days which turned into weeks and she'd began to lose hope and I knew she would so I called a nurse to come in the hall and I get her father to come with me he'd been letting me help her and he's been doing small jobs to keep money going for her medical expenses "How extensive can your physical therapy go?" I look at the nurse "We have many techniques we even have other buildings for that specifically but it's not recommended." I cross my arms "Why?" She looks down at me respectively but quiet "Pricing." Her father hands her a tied wad of cash "That's not an issue." She nods and starts contacting people it takes a few days for results and I encourage her that everything will be alright through that time but when it kicked in we had a team of doctors ready to help us and one of the doctors talked about the other facility "We have many forms of physical therapy that would help you recover. Weights, a pool, massage, etcetera." We look at each other and communicate amongst ourselves and agree that we should do it nodding to the doctor "That sounds great." I smile "I'll see you first thing tomorrow." I climb up in her bed with her and hold her close "I told you we'd get through this and get through this we shall." She lays her head on my chest and falls asleep being exhausted from all the work she's being put through I hold her hand and eventually close my eyes morning coming so quick as always on the days when you need the most rest. The doctor comes in and we groan and sit up almost simultaneously. "I thought we might use the pool training it's quite a work out but it'll help you." I look at her and she runs her fingers through her hair and nods and I turn my head back to him "Pool it is then." He nods and writes on his chart and the nurse brings in a hospital wheelchair and we both look at each other wide eyed "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?!" she smirks and then so do I "God I love you." She kisses me then we get in our chairs and we race down the hall to the elevator she gets there just a second sooner. "Damn it woman how did you do that?" She giggles a dry crackled giggle still gaining her voice and flexes the nurses catch up to us out of breath and we both laugh before being pushed to the other building "Buzzkills." I huff and Emily high fives me but we get there and the pool is as big as your typical YMCA pool and they have her pushed into a changing room and the doctor comes out of another room in a wet suit and then a few minutes later so does she they help her in the water and the doctor helps her stand on her legs "The water makes it easier to stand but pushes back enough to work your legs when you try to walk." I sit at the rim of the pool to watch them "Try taking a step." She lifts a leg and winces but takes a few step "Good good now another." She tries and tries but it hurts her "Come on baby one more step." She pushes and screams but takes that step "That's good you need to work your legs. You need to do a little more." She shakes her head and I sigh before jumping in they Botha gasp as I hit the water but when I resurface I stand I bite my lip my legs aching from rarely ever having done something like this but I have to do this for her I hold out my arms "Emily just make it to me. That's all you've got to do make it to me and I don't care what they say you can stop." I say only 10 steps away from where she's standing she shakes her head "Baby come to me and I'll hold you. You know I won't let them take you." She bites her lip and steps groaning as she pushes harder and harder with each slow agonizing step and screams as she pushes and pushes before falling into my chest crying heavily and I hold her tight looking at the doctor and he nods I rub her back "There you go baby look how far you went." I point at where she was and she looks still crying but knowing she made progress and puts herself back in my chest "Short lessons for now." The doctor gets out of the pool "With that kind of progress. You got it."
That good huh?
That good

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