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Monday morning I race out the door and meet the mail man and taking the mail I rush back in I've talked to my parents about leaving and dad said it was okay he'll call me in sick I look through the mail and find the envelope with Emily's Dad's name on it I open it and grab the tickets "3:30." I look at the clock 1:32 "Shit I gotta get to the airport." I grab my phone calling Matt it rings and rings finally a click "Hello?" I sigh "Hey man can you take me to the airport?" There's a bit of silence "Sure man let me get dressed be there in like 20 minutes." I nod "See ya then." I hang up and pace both nervous and thankful to be getting on the next flight to get to her. After what seemed like forever Matt pulls up and I grab my bag I packed last night going outside and tossing it in his car and climbing in he puts my chair in the back and gets back in and we're off "Ever flown before?" Matt says "Nope." I swallow trying to get rid of the knot in my throat "Terrified." He pats my back "Planes rarely have problems." I laugh "Tell that to my brain." I hold up my shaking hand "It'll be okay." He tries reassuring me but it's not doing much we pull into the parking garage getting out and I sit my bag in my lap Matt pushes me in the building it's big and huge windows showing all angles of the place there's lifts with suitcases going around and loud tvs and people speaking over intercoms there's 1,000's of people rushing through "I don't think I've seen so major people in one place." He says "Makes you feel small?" He shakes his head "Adventurous." He smirks "Only you would get turned on at an airport." I roll my eyes he laughs "You know it." We sit there for a bit just looking at the big screen showing different times flights and destinations "Big world we live in." He sighs and I nod "You're telling me." I look over at him "You know you don't have to stay. Right?" He nods "Yeah but I'd be a dick if I didn't at least see you off." I shrug "You know I don't care." He smirks "You do you just won't admit to it."
He sees my defeated expression "Exactly now shut up and let me buy you food." I nod giving in and he pushes me over to a semi-big cafeteria and there's a few mainstream restaurant chains and then your stand Mr. Wok Chinese place where there's one around almost every corner but they never are the same "That's so fucked up." I point at the restaurant "How so?" He raises his eyebrow "Dude I can't wok." He rolls his eyes "So done. Fuckin dad jokes." I laugh "Shut up you love me." He rolls his eyes again and pushes me to the Burger King and we get 2 whopper meals and after about 5 minutes they bring it out from the back and we go to a table out of like 100 tables and begin our feast "Damn you you're trying to fatten me up." I smirk and he laughs "And it's working too." We just kind of eat in silence for a few minutes and then he breaks it with "Good luck man." He says pointing to the screen as it shows my flight next I finish my food and nod "Yeah I'm gonna need it." He hugs me pushing me over to the TSA line and after a minute or two I'm in front they put the wand around me and of course it goes off
Wheelchair dumbasses
I quickly roll my eyes and they let me through I wave at Matt one last time and go in a stewardess helps me to my accessible seat and asks "Would you like anything sir? We have snacks and drinks." I nod "Could I get peanuts and some coke please?" She nods and politely says "Right away sir." I smile doing a slight bow in gratitude and they play a cheesy instructional video
Kill me now
Nope this is too funny
Of course you get a sense of humor now
After the video she comes back with my stuff and I hold them and she smiles showing me there's a pull out tray I chuckle lightly "Thank you so much." She nods "Of course sir." I start eating food calms me it's a thing don't judge me the plane begins to take off and I get tense
You can do this you've got this just don't look outside
And with that I shut the window "Not today ADHD not today." I sip my drink as we take off at this point if I could jump out of my chair I would but I breathe trying to calm myself and eat more peanuts finally the plane levels out and I don't even want to think about where we are I start messing with stuff which I probably shouldn't but I have to keep occupied I hit the stewardess button and she walks over "You guys have in flight movies right?" She smiles and nods helping me set it up there's not much of a selection it's not exactly Netflix so I decide on Gremlins it was literally the best they had so she sets it up and gives me headphones I watch it sipping my soda my ears popping from time to time and then I finally fall asleep and she's there I can see her arms around me I can feel the warmth off her body I..I "The flight will be landing in 20 minutes thank you for flying with us." I hear the pilot say over the intercom "What the hell? I was only asleep for a minute if that." The person sitting across from me chuckles "Try again." I gasp lightly
Guess I haven't slept as much as I thought..

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