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She was so inviting in her words we talked as if we had known each other our whole lives "After all this time?" she said with a raised eyebrow "Always." I responded and we both laughed reference after reference it was amazing and of course Mr. Boring had to come in and ruin it. After a long overdrawn "important" test we packed up our stuff almost in unison as the class migrates out into the hall the sound of lockers squeaking and clanking filling the hall as my friends seek me down like predator to prey they start babbling about who knows what to each other when Emily walks over silence they stop and I look at them rolling my eyes "Yes guys girls do in fact exist now move on." "Are you guys a thing?" Matt says "No god can I not have a girl friend and not a girlfriend." He shrugs and I turn back to Emily "What's up?" she smiles "I just wanted to see if you guys wanted to meet up after school?" I nod not even turning to see what they said "Most definitely." She smiles even brighter brushing her hair behind her ear "You sure?" I nod again "Absolutely." she hugs me and runs off I blush lightly when she hugs me and I turn around heading to class.
What the hell? I blushed
You like her obviously
I just met this girl
She's a nerd she didn't look down to you like everyone else you like her
Okay maybe a little but we'll see how it goes
I go to my desk locking my brakes and Matt sits by me kicking his feet up on the desk David off in a literature class Matt and I quietly judging everyone in class because they don't know what EMPIRE is the nerve of some people. I pull out my notebook and start jotting down what's on the board as the teacher walks in I zone out as I write. Usually this is where my mind would be screaming about Rogue One but no it's her really I just met this girl I need to relax she's gonna think I'm insane
But what if she doesn't?
Don't start just go away
Alright but you know I'm right
What'd I just say?
I sigh writing away an hour goes by and finally LUNCH my favorite curriculum I rush to the cafeteria not caring who gets bumped nobody puts tummy in the corner I get in line inching closer and closer "Come on come on yes!" I finally make it and grab a tray filling it with the "required portions" that are barely enough for a 12 year old and head to a table scarfing my food if you didn't know me you'd think I was starving at home but no just an endless gut. Matt and David walk over with their bags of food Matt eating McDonald's and David Stir fry "The variety of my friends always keeping me on my toes." We laugh "So what's the plan for tonight?"  Matt smirks "Hitting another party tonight." I sigh "What happened to Kaiju movie night?" I look at them David shrugs eating and Matt sighs lightly "Maybe we let it go this one time?" I look down "Fine fine screw you guys." I laugh softly and punch Matt's shoulder and the bell rings man time flies when you're stuffing your gut I go to my last class the fun part of my day FILM class I bring out my recorder and just as I sit it down Emily walks over and taps my shoulder "Hey stranger." I smile as I turn to her "Hey girl sit down sit down." I pat the seat next to me she nods with a smile and sits down the teacher walks in "Today we are watching Texas chainsaw Massacre.." I loud roar of YES! came across the class "A film produced and directed by Tobe Hooper. Now can anyone tell me why this film is essential?" A few hands fly up "Yes? Um excuse me I don't believe we've met." I turn to her to see her hand come down "It's Emily sir, This film is essential because it is one of the big steps in the horror genre for the 70's while their were other influential films this one made everyone stand up and listen when it came to violence and suspense and most importantly the small budget it was made on." My eyes widened
Holy shit she knows her stuff
You definitely like her
We'll see

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