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She's frozen seconds drag on for an eternity before she slowly uncovers her mouth with a big smile bigger than I've seen since all this started "Yes!" the nurse helps me back in my chair and I kiss her deeply and she kisses me back before I slip the ring on her finger gently she looks down at it biting her lip "Come on let it out." She giggles and smiles "There it is." She rolls her eyes but continues to smile I take her ring hand "I love you so much." She blushes "I love you too." I nod "I know." She kisses me quickly "I know." I smile "I never want this moment to end." She says "Nor do I my love." I rub my nose against her and she scrunches her nose "So damn cute." She nudges me "Shut uuuuuup!" I laugh "Neveeeeer!" We look at each other smiling so big we needed this happy moment after everything that's been going on moments seem to slow down as I memorize every detail of her smiling face as if I'll never see it again and at the same time I'll see it forever after what seems like an eternity a nurse walks over "I don't mean to interrupt but we need to finish the therapy so she can be released." I look at her "You ready?" She nods softly and slowly stands up using the crutches she already seems to be doing better from even just earlier so we go back inside and I help her to the bars and take away the crutches she holds onto the bars walking down the way guided by the bars finally putting pressure on her feet and I smile "That's it baby you're doing great." She puts more and more pressure down and towards the end she finally lets go of the bars standing on her own "Oh my god baby I'm so proud of you." She takes her first step in months and I cheer her on then she takes another a bit shakily but she manages to keep going her will pushing her the rest of the way through she walks over to me as best she can and sits in my lap the doctor looks up from jotting everything down "It looks like you've recovered enough to go home." After that exciting news we go back to the hospital room and I help her get dressed we talked to her father and he agreed to let her come back with me and that night we hopped on a plane back home I had a lot of work to do and a lot to catch up on but I did my best balancing school and helping her recover and that's where we've been for the last 8 months  recovering and I think she and I are finally ready to do this it's time to finish what I started

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