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It's been months I've reached the last book it's taken so long because I tell myself that she'd want me to care for myself too so I went out and got movies from a local store one of those run down video places block buster wannabes that are still around. So we had some marathons I thought changing the medium would help her more but it was just more of the same but just because it didn't get much better doesn't mean it's bad at least she's not getting worse. Anyone who's been in my shoes understands. But anyway I'm at the very last book doing the voices as best I can I've become very scruffy on my face but I clean up once a week never know when she'll wake up I want her to recognize me. I smile at the thought of us seeing each other again chapter through chapter I can only keep my eyes on the book for short moments always looking for that finger to move. I hear something and look up she's gripping the rail. "Baby?!" I roll over quickly and rub her hand "Come on Emily wake up for me wake up." I gently rub her hand the nurse said it helps the nerves and she starts gasping and hit the nurse button it beeps "Can I help you?" I clear my throat "Yes I need help in here it's an emergency!" Quickly two nurses rush in and I roll back one starts checking her pulse the other trying to steady her and uses a tool to help her breathe I shake from the insanity of the situation as Emily shoots up eyes open gasping and coughing swinging and shaking and they restrain her back down "Calm down honey you got to calm down!" She's breathing heavily but lays there and looks around seeing me she's unable to speak but she tries to talk to me "Everything will be okay if you listen to them." I reassure her and she stays laid back looking at them it takes her a few minutes to get her breathing to calm but once it does the nurses walk out and another brings back water for her to sip on handing it to her she sips it lightly and I come over she looks at me and looks at me concerned and I hold out my hand and she takes it "I'll explain everything. Just relax." and so I did I told her about the crash we she only remembered briefly and how her dad got me out here and what I've been doing since that day and she smiled lightly with tears building in her eyes as she ran her hand gently across my rough cheek. I put my hand over hers "I knew you'd be back. I knew you wouldn't give up." she nodded and then motion towards my phone I look confused but hand it to her she opens it and starts typing then shows me "I knew you wouldn't give up either. I love you." I smile "I love you t-" my voice cracks as I begin to cry and she lowers the side rail holding her arms out I lean into her chest hugging her and she holds me we both cry so overjoyed that we have found each other once again. I look up at her and she gently kisses me and I kiss her back lean a bit more we kiss for a while we can't help it we've built up so much emotion so quickly. I'm just glad to have her back but she doesn't know waking up was the easy step. Now to get her on her feet. But I won't tell her that yet one thing at a time. I want to see that smile for a little while longer. That amazing smile I've been waiting so long to see once again. I run my fingers through her hair just drowning in our happiness. "Let's just stick in this moment for a little while." She types again before showing me "Agreed."

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