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"Come on baby come on you can do it one more step one more." She shakily holds onto the bars as she steps closer to me and collapses into me and I hold her tight "You're doing so good baby but I need you to stand up okay?" she shakily stands up the nurses hand her crutches "I think it's time we try going outside." She bites her lip nervously as she nods and slips her arms in the crutches she pushes herself to get over to me and I look at her "Ready?" She does her best to smile "Ready." I start going to the door and she follows behind as best she can "That's it you're doing so good." she pushes to keep as we reach the door and exit the building we go around a bit reaching the commons area with a big fountain surrounded by flowers and a big tree towards the back she sits on the bench and I take her hand "You're doing great I love you." she smiles lightly "I love you too." I kiss her and she leans into me kissing me back I call one of the nurses over and whisper in her ear Emily looks at me confused as the nurse helps me down to one knee smiling and I pull out a small black box she covers her mouth and gasps "You've made me so happy in the time that I've known you I've never been more dedicated to someone as much as I have been with you you're my life you're my light I couldn't go without you now you've made me a better happier me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you so um.." I open the little box revealing the ring it shimmering in the son and as I reveal it tears begin to stream down her face and I take a deep breath smiling big my heart racing almost pounding right out of my chest I'm so nervous but beyond ready to have her for the rest of my life but does she want me god I hope so..
She's waiting
Right! Sorry!
"Emily will you make me the happiest man alive and be mine forever?"

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