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I get off the plane and work my way through the small exit tunnel going into the airport my stomach growling I hadn't eaten in hours "I'll get something at the hospital." I motivate myself to keep going and look around and see Emily's father standing by the exit and I hold up my finger telling him to hold on as I wait for my bag luckily it doesn't take to long I put it in my lap racing to him with a concerned look "How is she?" He sighs "Pretty much the same they've got her on a breathing machine and feeding tube." I look down "Well we'd better get back just in case something changes." He nods "Agreed." We go out to the parking lot and out to his car he helps me in and puts my chair and bag in the back as we drive back to the hospital "How did this happen?" He sigh with a distraught look "There was a drive who was on drugs he swerved into her rear tire and she was on the interstate so she went spinning and eventually flipped it was 45 minutes before they could get her out and to the hospital she cracked her forehead open deep she has a concussion and 3 broken ribs." I look down "Oh my god.." he pats my back "She'll pull through she's a strong girl once you get there she just needs some help." I nod biting my lip "You're right." He smiled lightly "Exactly." I know he's just trying to keep our spirits up but it hardly will work but I think it's more for him than me it's his hold after all. We pull up and we go up a few levels in the parking garage before parking and we get out and I hold my bag as he pushes me across the sky bridge and into the main hospital we get in the elevator going up a few floors and then we get to a floor with 5 or more nurses walking back and forth sometimes you hear crying in pain other times just TVs on several channels we go into her room "There she is." He says and I put my bag down going over to her she's in just a hospital gown she has tubes and wires connected to her in several places and the breathing machine down her throat she has a scar across her face going from her right eyebrow to her left cheek that looks like the stitches were just recently removed I take her hand shakily "Hey Emily." I push myself to smile "I'm here baby it's me." I rub her hand it's so cold and lifeless I hold back the tears "I need you to try and wake up okay don't push yourself but try and wake up I'm gonna be here til you do. Okay?" I kiss her hand softly put it to my cheek to warm it some Emily's dad begins to cry as do I but I try to keep it quiet I pull out my phone showing screenshots I had taken from our FaceTimes "Remember this baby? Remember when you were hyper and would dance til you were out of breath?" I laugh lightly with tears flowing "Yeah you're always crazy when you're hyper." The nurse walks in change the bag of fluid on her IV and I hold her hand close "Everything's gonna be okay. I promise." The nurse looks at me "You look pale dear can I get you something to eat?" I nod "Just some snack bars please." She walks out and after a few minutes she brings those and a cup with water in it I try my best to swallow those down my nerves being shot didn't make it easy but I need to keep healthy for her I begin showing her more photos and seeing if reminiscing would help her hours go by as I finished through my phone but it was not successful I break down crying feeling like I have failed her as if it was somehow my fault but Emily's father walks over hugging me "Hey hey you've got to be strong for her come on stiffen up that lip." I wipe my face breathing a bit shakily and clear my throat taking a deep breath "No one could've seen this coming." He reassures me and I nod in agreement sipping my water to calm myself I pull up Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone on my phone and I clear my throat once more and look over to her then the story "Chapter One The Boy Who Lived..."

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