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I wake up at about 4:30 and sit up stretching "Oh boy." I say knowing I'm gonna have a thousand texts and pick up my phone and opening it but nothing "What the hell?" I text her
"Hey sorry slept in how's work going?"
I get up and get in my chair going into the bathroom and getting a quick shower listening to Gonna Go Far Kid By:Offspring and dance a bit to it "Dance fucker dance!!" I laugh as I she along and after a bit I get out drying off and checking my phone still nothing "Alright I guess.." I text again
"I guess you're busy text me back whenever I guess."
I put my phone back down getting dressed and look in the mirror at my Empire Strikes Back T-shirt "I am a normal human being." I laugh and roll out of the bathroom Kara standing at the door "Finally!" she groans "God you take forever!" I smirk "Oh and you don't?! okay!" I laugh and roll by and she just slams the bathroom door shut and roll down to the kitchen "Girls! Girls! Girls!" I mock and laugh making some toast after about a minute it pops I cover it in far too much butter because judge me that's why and I chow down I look at my phone again
Don't seem clingy
Oh yeah because you're totally not clingy
Why do you think you always get input?
Because who's gonna stop me?
If you just ignored me I wouldn't make us look stupid
Yeah yeah
My phone vibrates and I jump to it opening it quickly
"I'm gonna be home late again sorry guys~Dad"
"It's fine you have to do what you have to do.~Jacen"
I sigh "What is she doing?" I tap my fingers on the table finishing my breakfast and text Matt
"Wanna go to the mall?"
"Yeah sure what time?"
"ASAP lol"
"That bad huh? On my way."
"See you soon."
I put my phone down washing my plate and putting it in the dishwasher and closing it back I roll in the hallway while I wait on Matt and after about 20 minutes he drives up and I rush outside he gets out and pushes me to the passenger side I climb in and he folds my chair putting it in his trunk and gets back in "So what's up?" I shrug "I'm just bored and need distracting." He nods "Well I can do that." I smile "Good." He pulls out of the driveway and we head out just talking dork to each other the whole drive "So you ready for Justice League?" I nod "Oh my god yes the more Batman the better!" He nods quickly "Right?!" After a little while we end up at the mall we end up in the mall parking lot "Come on lady stop or go pick one!!" Yeah Matt is very road ragey sometimes it's funny "Lady GOOOOO!" I laugh and flips my off and the woman pulls out of the parking spot and we slip in "Finally Jesus." I nod and he takes the key out walking out grabbing my chair and bringing it around I jump in and we go inside and he pushes me inside and we immediately go to hot topic and we start looking at shirts and different things I pick up a bikini top putting it to my chest "Hey sexy." I wink at him "Oh god." We both laugh as I put it away he grabs a shirt with a tiny green dinosaur on it "You." I make a sour face "Yeah fuck you mate." He laughs "You would." I nod "But that's a different story." He smirks "Kinky." I wink in response. We go through the rest of the story not seeing much too interesting meaning we only left with 2 bags because hot topic I'm leaving with something duh so anyway we go to Spencer's next and I go to the hats and of course he goes to the very back if I have to say what's back there you're too young to be in this store just go home I'm looking at the beanies and caps and bags and other assorted goodies "Ah geekdom when all else fails I have you."  I look at my phone again okay now I'm really concerned I text her
"Didn't die on me did you?"
I try and keep my smile going but the concern is growing Matt comes back with a bag that I have no interest in knowing what's in it "Wanna go see a movie?" "Sure man what do you wanna see?" He shrugs "Rogue One?" I nod and smile "As if you had to ask." He pushes me out to the car and we put our bags in and we go back in and head to the theater he pays for the tickets and we go in getting a large popcorn and 2 cokes before getting in our specific show room and watching the previews "Man Spider-Man:Homecoming looks crazy." I laugh "Yeah except they cast Zendaya." We both nod in agreement stuffing our face with popcorn the film starts and we shut up absolute silence through the whole thing as we are mesmerized by every last scene we come out geeking out "Oh my god Darth Vader though!" I nod "Oh man that was worth the ticket price on its own holy shit dude!" I pick up my phone from my pocket
3 missed calls
I call the number back and it's answered almost immediately "Hello?" without missing a beat "Is this Jacen?!" "Yes who is this?.." I raise my eyebrow Matt looks at me confused eating the popcorn "This Emily's father..she's been in a car accident son.." I feel my stomach knot up and the feeling of throwing up almost immediately "Oh my god is she okay?!" at this point the call is very silent but you can tell there's still someone on the line "Hello?!" quickly I hear "She's alive but..she's not waking up.. I'm sorry.." I begin to cry and Matt freezes "I'm sending you a plane ticket it'll be there Monday. No post on Sundays..." I nod "Thank you sir.. oh my god.." he clears his throat "I have to go you understand.." "Yes sir goodbye keep me posted." I her motion which I assume is a nod "Of course son buh-bye." He hangs up and I cry harder and Matt wraps his arms around me
Oh my god.. what am I going to do..

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