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The first FaceTime call oh boy here we go I click the green call button it rings and rings and rings and then it finally says connecting
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
You're staring
I look and she smiles "In your head again hotstuff?" I laugh "Yeah hiiii." She waves "Hiiii!" I laugh "You're too cute you know that?" She flips her hair "Well I mean." I smirk and raise my eyebrow "That too that too." We both sigh and just look in each other's eyes time gets lost when I stare into her eyes it's like going through a maze without a map but the maze is the most comfortable place you've ever been it's warm it's soft it's it's 2:00AM!! She begins to doze off trying to fight it but she's so relaxed talking to me that she can't fight it anymore and finally falls asleep I sit there for an hour looking at her she's so peaceful and I love it she snores so lightly it's amazing
You have to hang up and some point
Don't remind me..
She'd want you to sleep too
Yeah yeah traitor
I'm you soooo
Shut up. 
I sigh and finally press that dreaded red button it fades away and I lay there looking at the ceiling fan spin a knot in my stomach
It's better than not seeing her at all
I know.. but it's painful
Is she worth it?
Then you'll do it
I bite my lip and nod grabbing my blanket and pulling it over me flipping my light switch my phone vibrates
Emily Text
"Night.. love you.."
I quickly call her back "I so thought you were asleep." She nods "I was but I had a nightmare.." I sigh "What was it about?" She looks down "I got in a car crash and died.." I shake my head "That couldn't happen." She raises her eyebrow "Why not?" I smile "Because you're spending the rest of my life with me and I'm older so you can't die yet." She laughs "That's darkly sweet." I laugh with her "So definitely me?" She nods "Okay true." I smirk "Exactly." We start talking about random things here and there how we miss old shows and how nothing good is on anymore we had a talk that last for hours literally based on just old spongebob episodes because we loved hearing each other's voices she finally fell asleep again and shortly after so did I just as the sun was coming up soon after I hear footsteps and alarms blaring
I pull the blanket over my head
Maybe if I ignore it it'll just go away
Barry bangs on the door "TIME TO GET UP!" I groan "I'm up!"
Here we go again... back to hell

Love Heals All WoundsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon