15 facts about Me!

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I was tagged by @whothehellisbuckyy 

1. I'm 18. (as of July, 2020)

2. I'm about 5'6". I wish I was taller. 

3. My obsession with Taylor Swift is quite unhealthy.

4. Though my story is about Steve Rogers, my favourite MCU character is actually Natasha Romanoff. I would write for her as well, except I don't think I could ever capture her character nuances perfectly. 

5. Currently obsessed with 'The Mandalorian' on Disney+

6. I really love reading clssics. Some of my favourites are 'A picture of Dorian Gray' , 'Middlemarch' and 'The Wide Sargasso Sea'.

7. I'm an only child, so I am the loneliest piece of shit so if you ever want someone to talk to, hit me up!

8. I binge watch old Brooklyn Nine Nine episodes for comfort.

9. In early 2017 I struggled with anxiety and suicidal thoughts and I've overcome some of them, but my family still treats mental illness as a joke.

10. I'm currently doing my undergrad in English.

11. I'm from India and for a long time, I was unable to appreciate my culture and sought to make myself as Eurocentric as possible. But now I know there ain't no culture like desi culture.

12. I am an intersectional feminist and my goal is to educate as many ignorant people (mostly my family lol) there is.

13. I come off as a big meanie because of my resting bitch face but I swear I'm a softie on the inside.

14. I've never had a boyfriend or even like had a proper conversation with a boy, but I probably know more than a pornstar courtesy of Wattpad.

 15.  I want to live in London when am older.

PS: I love everyone who comments and votes on this book, thank you thank you, thank you, thank you so much. You have no idea how happy you make me!

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