Steve Rogers learning about periods would include

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 GUYS BEARDED CAP HAS ME SO SHOOK I CANT SPEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


so let's say Steve is kinda cluless about periods being from th WW2 era when patriarchy was at its pinnacle and women were always subdued!

of course, Steve is an educated fella

but the one thing he has almost no knowledge of is periods

so saying that he was mortified when he learnt about it would be an understatement

it's 8 am, you're in the bathroom brushing your teeth, angry at everything and everyone because mother nature has paid her monthly visit

suddenly, Stevie rushes to you, takes you in his big arms bridal style and runs to med department

"Steve what are you doing?"



him looking very lost and worried

"doll, i was making our bed and i saw blood on the sheets. You're bleeding, you're hurt, youneed medical attention. I knew that you would get hurt during yesterday's mission. Why didn't you tell me? i thought we-


"i thought we told each other ever-


him releasing you from his arms dumbfounded

"i'm okay, i'm not hurt. i'm on my period that's why there was blood on the sheets"

him looking at you with the same dumbfounded eyes

"you don't know what a period is, do you?"

giving him the period-talk when you're back in your room

his face expressions going from curios to mortified as you're talking about bleeding

"but why? how? why?"

"so you're bleeding, like right now?"

him carrying you to bed and cradling you in blankets

"Steve i have work to do, i need to get up so-

"no, you're not leaving this room until your - you know - period ends"

"Steven, it lasts for 5 days"

"5 DAYS??!!!"

him being horrified and almost losing his balance

taking care of you thoroughly

making you eat a lot of food

and chocolate

cuddling you and rubbing your tummy when you have cramps

making sure to check on you every 2 minutes when you're in the bathroom

"Thor, did you know about periods?"

"the tiny dots you put at the end of the sentence"

him talking to Thor about periods

being quite happy that he's not the only one who is clueless

Thor being scared shitless

"but, brother Steven, i do not see how that is fair to them"

finding tampons in your bathroom cabinet when you're asleep

"is this some kind of secret weapon?"

reading the instructions on how to use a tampon

almost losing his consciousness

"Steve, why did you put a pad on your hand?"

"i was trying to make you a salad and i accidentally cut myself"

him walking around the tower with a pad on his hand

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