Chapter Four

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"Ugh," I groan, rolling over and poking Hunter. "Make it shut up, please."
He answers the cell after stifling a yawn. "Hello?" he asks, still sound slurred from sleep. He sighs, and says "okay, I'll come," before cutting the call.
"What was it?"
"Another interview." He looks at me beseechingly. "Do I have to go?"
"Hunter, yes, you have to go. But it's okay, I promise you pancakes when you come back."
He smiles. "Marrying you seems a better idea all the time."
"I've always been good at this whole thing," I say, before trying and failing to get out of bed without face planting. Hunter cracks up laughing.
I get myself off the floor, brushing myself off. "Gosh, what a loving, caring future husband you are!" I say sarcastically.
He starts laughing harder.
"Oh, you're asking for it," I mutter, before jumping back on the bed and tickling him.
"Tia!" he squeals. "Stop!! Argh!!"
"NO WAY!!" I yell, tickling him more.
"I DON'T WANT TO DIE YOUNG!!!" he screams.
"I DON'T CARE!!" I shout, but he manages to roll over and tickle me instead.
I start screaming with laughter, squirming and trying to get away from him. We end up laughing, and panting, and I realise he's lying on top of me. Even though we've done this sort of thing before, I suddenly feel uncomfortable.
He leans down and kisses me, and I remember the time when he had tackled me into a pile of dusty carpets. That was okay, when I knew he wasn't really thinking of kids.
"Are you alright?" he asks, pulling away and sounding concerned.
"I'm fine," I reassure him. "You can get off now..."
"Oh, right," he says, hastily rolling off me.
After getting dressed in a blue and grey plaid shirt with a light tan leather jacket, Hunter kisses me goodbye. I decide to call Natasha, since I was bored, and I didn't like being home alone.
About fifteen minutes later, she appears at my doorstep with a smile. "Hey, Tee!" she greets me. "Any plans on what to do today?"
I think for a second. "Nat, I need your opinion on something."
I take her to the music room, and I hear her gasp. It really is beautiful, with the wallpaper, and the instruments littered around the room.
When I finished the song, I got Hunter to play the drum part. Even though I can play reasonably well, I can write the beat. While he was playing it, I recorded it, so that I could play the guitar part and have the whole song without him needing to be here.
I start playing, and Natasha listens to the music carefully. She's speechless, and when I start singing, she looks amazed. Finishing the song, I look at her for comment.
"That was so good!"
I sigh. "I want this to be my first single, but something's missing. I don't know what it is though. What do you think?"
She gasps. "Give me about half an hour."
She runs out, leaving me confused. I mess around with my guitar for a while, just strumming randomly. When she comes back, she's holding a fiddle. Or is it a violin? Honestly, I can't tell the difference.
"Play it again," she says, positioning the violin/fiddle/whatever the heck it was under her chin.
"Okay..." I say, and I start playing again. Natasha starts playing the violin, and in a weird way, it suddenly makes sense. She's playing so subtley, you can barely hear it, but it fills in the gaps.
It's complete.


After knocking on the door several times over, I start to panic. Where is she? Could she have hurt herself somehow?
I manage to unlock the door with shaking hands. Just as I'm about to scream Tia's name, I hear music coming from the study.
"Thank goodness," I mutter to myself, clutching my hand to my heart. I walk to the music room, and I can hear the drum recording that we made, and Tia playing her guitar. But there's another instrument, something that was out of place. I can't play violin, and as far as I know, neither can Tia. We don't even have a violin in the house. So how is there a violin playing inside?
I look inside, and I find my answer. Natasha.
She's playing the violin with amazing skill, and it's obvious she knows what she's doing, because even without a music sheet, her violin, Tia's guitar, and my drum are all harmonising perfectly into a beautiful melody. I understand what Tia had meant by the song being 'incomplete'. It never really sounded perfect, not without the violin.
"Whoa..." I murmur under my breath, and they both see me standing in the doorway. Tia tackles me in a hug, and Natasha smiles and waves.
"Hey," I say, kissing the top of Tia's head. "Did you two have fun today?"
"Yeah, we did," replies Tia, before turning to Natasha. "Nat, could you write down all the notes you played just before and then come back tomorrow, so that I can complete the song once and for all?"
"Sure thing. I have to go though, Ma's probably looking for me," she says, happily agreeing to Tia's proposition.
"Yeah, of course," says Tia, giving her a quick hug. "I'll see you tomorrow!!"
"I'll see myself out the door. Have a good day!!"
When Natasha leaves, I look down at Tia, and she gives me a smile.
"Pancakes. Let's go," she says, pulling me into the kitchen.
About half an hour later, our pancakes have been totally devoured, and Tia and I lie down on the couch, watching a James Bond movie. She's lying down beside me, and I stroke her thick, dark hair gently. She seems quiet, but I don't really think anything of it. We're watching a movie after all.
When the movie finishes though, she seems upset about something.
"Tee, are you alright?"
I look at her. "I know when you're lying you know."
She sighs, looking up at me. "It's just that... why do you love me? I've been really horrible to you lately, flipping out at you for no reason. What makes me so different to those fans from yesterday? You were stuttering when you were trying to talk to them. So, does that make me anything like them?"
I laugh softly. "Babe, you know it's not like that."
"But then why were you stuttering?" she asks. Looking at her, I realise that she has dark circles under her eyes. They definitely weren't there yesterday. Did she not fall asleep thinking about this?
"Because I didn't know what to say. I couldn't be mean, because if I was, then they would tell some massive gossip website. You've seen all those articles on famous people being rude to their fans? Most of the time, those fans are being horrible, and we don't know what to do, so we panic a little. It wouldn't be the first time that a famous person wasn't rude at all, but the things they said were interpreted that way."
She breathes a sigh of relief. "That still doesn't answer my first question."
"Why do I love you?" I ask, and she nods.
"Tia, I love you because you aren't like any of my other fans. You don't just want my looks, or my body. You don't want me for my money, or my fame. I feel like you would love me even if I were just a normal guy who happened to crash into you at Starbucks." I laugh a little, before continuing. "You respect me as a musician, and an artist, and you love me for my personality. I think that's important. You aren't like my other fans. The day we met, you started laughing, instead of asking for my autograph and a photo. You honestly didn't seem to care that I was famous. You aren't just infatuated by the thought of me."
Tia's silent. "Wow. That was deep."
"Do you feel better now?"
She rolls over to be able to face me. "Yeah, I do."
When she kisses me, all my thoughts melt away, until the only thing I can taste is chocolate and winter. Her arms make their way to the small of my back, and my hands find their place on her waist. There's no space between us. Our lips move in perfect sync, and when she comes up for air, she's breathless.
"I do love you. For all those reasons, I do love you," she says, before leaning in again. I kiss her until all I can see is the lavender colour of her eyes, and all I can smell is her beautiful scent of violets and raspberries.

*A/N: YAY, TIA FINISHED HER FIRST SONG!!! Now, next chapter, everything is fast forwarded a bit, and it gets interesting!!!
Nethii <3
P.S Dedicated to Mad of Mad_MoMo_Stories, for all the wonderful ideas she gives me on this story. Read her HH fanfic, Be My Mistake!!*

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now