Chapter Thirty-Six

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I look down, and realise that my life was about to get a whole lot more difficult.
My water just broke.


I curse. Apparently pretty loudly too, because Colton runs in.
"Auntie Tia, I heard you cursing. Are yo- did you have an accident?" he asks, seeing the puddle on the floor and looking a little confused.
That's when panic begins to set in.
I'm going into labour. Hunter is at a fair, the nearest hospital is an hour away, there's no way I'm going alone, and I'm stuck with a nine year old who doesn't know the first thing about childbirth.
"Colton, the baby's coming," I say, hoping that he might have an idea.
"What?!" he asks, shocked. "You can't have the baby now! I don't know what to do! I can't drive you to a hospital or anything!"
I try getting up and walking back to the kitchen. Another contraction shudders through my body, and for Colton's sake, I try not to scream. "Call Uncle Hunter."
"Okay," he says. "Is he the contact that says 'Hunter less-than-three'?"
"Yeah," I say. "That's him. Put it on speaker, I need to speak to him as well."
He does as I ask, and I hear the dial tone. Then, someone picks up.
"Hello, Dann Huff speaking."
"Hi sir," starts Colton. "Could I speak to my Uncle Hunter?"
"Who's this?"
"My name's Colton."
"Sorry, buddy, your uncle's performing right now. Can I take a message?"
"Dann!" I cry. "Dann, the baby's coming! I need Hunter here!"
"Tia?" says Dann. "Did your water break?"
"Yes, and the contractions are starting," I gasp. "Please, get him here."
"I can't, he's onstage! Can't you call an ambulance?"
"I'm not doing it without Hunter!"
"But he's perfo-"
"Dann Huff," I yell. "I swear on the life of my unborn child, if you don't get Hunter offstage and home within half an hour, you will never utter the word 'boogaloo' for the rest of your life! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"
"O-okay," he says, sounding a little worried at my tone of voice. "I'll do my best."
"Just hurry," I groan, feeling another contraction rip through my body.
I've heard stories about women who've been in labour for twenty four hours before the baby was finally delivered.
If I'm not dead by then, I'll kill myself.


"I don't want easy,
I want crazy,
Yeah, look at us baby,
Tonight the midnight rules are breaking..." I sing, playing my guitar and looking out over the audience.
"There's no such thing as wild enough,
And maybe we just think too much,
Who needs to play it safe in love?
Let's be crazy!"
I suddenly see Dann backstage, jumping around, trying to get my attention. I watch him, not know what was wrong. He's waving his arms frantically, mouthing words that I can't hear over the noise of the fair and over the noise of the instruments onstage.
He looks around for something, before finding a giant poster, finding one of the markers I use to sign autographs, and writes something down with huge letters. He then holds it up to me, obviously for me to read it.
The baby is coming!
Wait, what?
The baby?
"Stop playing!" I yell, loud enough for the band to hear. "Everyone, stop playing!"
Looking confused, they all stop.
I look out at the bewildered audience. I need to make this short and sweet.
"I've really enjoyed coming out here to make noise with y'all, and I'm really sorry to have to do this, but we're gonna have to cut this gig short," I say, over the sound of the audience groaning and crying. "Thank you all, God bless you and good night!"
I run backstage. "She's at home?"
"She says she isn't going to the hospital without you. Hurry!" says Dann.
"Dann, I came in your car! You're gonna have to come!"
"Come on!!!"
I run to Dann's car, him panting after me, and get into the passenger side. Dann starts his car and gets onto the road. I feel worried, and I can feel my palms sweating.
The second we get to the cottage, I jump out before the car even stops, and I run inside, fumbling with my keys.
"Uncle Hunter, quickly!" yells Colton.
"Colt? What're you doing here? Where's your mom?"
"Auntie Tia was babysitting me, and-"
"Hunter!" calls Tia.
"Tee!" I yell, running into the kitchen and seeing Tia. She's in pain, I can tell, and I don't know exactly what I should do. She tries to walk towards me, but screams, falling onto her knees and clutching her stomach.
"Hunt, I can't-" she gasps, trying to breathe.
"Breathe with me, Tee," I say, breathing slowly. She times her breaths with mine, but then yells in agony again, closing her eyes.
"We need to get to a hospital," she groans.
"Dann, help me!" I say, hauling Tia up and putting an arm around her shoulder, stabilising her. Dann goes on her other side. "Colton, come with us. We can't leave you here alone."
"Yeah!" he cheers. "Can I see when the baby's born?"
Tia, Dann and I all make our way to the car, fast. Tia's in pain, and every now and then, she cries out, trying to keep the baby in until we get to a hospital.
"Not yet, Chase. Give- me- more- time," she gasps.
"Addy, actually."
"Is this really the time?!"
"Sorry. DRIVE!" I yell at Dann, and he does as I ask immediately.
Every time Tia groans and yells in pain, poor Colton looks terrified. "It's okay, Auntie Tia, you're gonna be okay," he says, over and over. I start to believe it myself.
Until we hear the police sirens.
"Shit," I curse, looking behind me and seeing the red and blue lights. Dann was probably way over the speed limit.
"What do I do? Pull over?" asks Dann.
"DRIVE FASTER!" Tia and I yell at him.
Colton looks insanely excited. "We're in a car chase! This is so cool!!!"
Finally, we get to the hospital.
"Dann, tell the police what happened," I say hurriedly, helping Tia get out. "Colton, stay with Dann." Then I call out to the hospital staff. "Come, please! My wife is having a baby!"


My body is on fire.
I've never felt pain this intense before. I scream, feeling the viper inside me sinking its fangs into my spine.
"Hunter, make it stop, please," I cry, trying to breathe normally.
Hunter lets go of my hand for a moment. "Isn't there any pain medication you can give her?" he asks the midwife desperately, and she shakes her head.
"I can't, Mr Hayes, I'm sorry. Giving her pain medication will numb the muscles she needs to push."
"It's okay, Tee," he says to me, as I scream again. "You're gonna do okay." He checks his watch. "It's nearly midnight. Do you think you can do it?"
I shake my head. "Hunt, I'm so sorry. I can't do it," I cry, feeling tears leak out of my eyes.
"No, Tee," he says, wiping my tears away and kissing my forehead. "You're doing so well. Just keep going for a bit longer."
"I can't, Hunter, it hurts!"
"Yes you can, Tee!" he says. "One- two- three- PUSH!"
I yell again, and then, for the first time, we hear a baby cry.

*A/N: Boy or girl?
Nethii <3 (less than three ;D)*

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now