Chapter Thirteen

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*A/N: Warning everyone: this a/n is gonna be a long one.
So, for me, it's the 31st of December. It seems like only yesterday that I was anticipating the end of 2012.
How time has flown.
I'd never have thought a year ago, that this is what I would turn out to be like by the end of 2013. A Wattpad account, a Hayniac, not so much of a Directioner as I used to be; it's crazy.
Oh well. Hunter doesn't mind if it's crazy ;)
Okay, I know. That was a really bad one.
But I'd just like to thank each and every single one of you. Thank you for being the best readers ever. I'd never have been able to continue Hunter's and Tia's story without all your support. I actually told myself, "Nethii, if you don't get at least 15 reads on your first chapter, you ain't continuing. Tia and Hunter can just live in your head." But I got something like 30!! That made me so excited!!
So, in conclusion, I wish everyone a Happy New Year. Farewell to 2013, the year that was, and welcome 2014, the year to come!!!
Now, to the story. The honeymoon lasted a week, and now it's been two weeks since Hunter and Tia got back. Tia's busy all the time now, she's looking after Peyton. She drives there (Hunter taught her to drive in the three month break there was between buying the dress and the wedding). Hunter, on the other hand, is incredibly busy with the upcoming tour and the new album's release. He only comes home at night, and leaves early morning again.
That's just random info that you're going to need. I'll let Tia explain the rest.
Nethii <3*



"Hello?" I answer. Hunter's already left for the studio apparently. He isn't lying in bed beside me. I can hear retching in the background of the call.
"Tia, I know you live two hours away, but can you come quickly?" Trey asks urgently.
I immediately roll out of bed and start to get changed. "Morning sickness?"
"Seems like it, but she's been going for something like half an hour straight."
"Gimme a couple of hours. If she stops before I get there, try to give her something to eat, and tell her to lie down," I instruct him, before cutting the call. I pull my favourite green knit top on, and grab my car keys. Much to my protest, Hunter bought me a car. It's a small Toyota Matris, the latest model. And of course, it's green.
I quickly grab myself an apple, and take a bite as I lock the front door. My wedding ring gleams in the morning rays of the sun. Trying to stifle a yawn, I start the car, and drive the familiar route to Peyton's and Trey's house.
The ultrasound showed that the baby would be a boy. Trey was especially happy, since he wanted to name the baby Jason so badly. Peyton was disappointed, but as she put it, it was "nothing I can't handle".
The drive is shorter than usual, since there wasn't any traffic, so I got to the house probably half an hour early. Opening the door, I see Peyton lying on the couch, looking paler than even me.
"Oh, Pey," I sigh, finding a blanket on another couch and putting it over her. "Are you okay?"
"No. I feel like crap," she whispers. She certainly looked it. Her eyes were tired, and the baby bump seemed to be huge. Trey walked in with a cup of tea.
"Here you are, babe," he says, helping her to sit up. I look at her worriedly. She notices, and gives me a weak smile.
"Don't worry, it's normally only morning that I feel like this," she says. "I'll be fine in a couple of hours. Trey, don't you have a gig today?"
"I can skip it, if you want," he says, looking plenty worried.
"No, it's fine honey, you should go. Tia can look after me, right?" she asks, looking at me.
"Yeah, I can," I assure Trey. "Get changed and go, or you'll be late."
Trey gives me a quick hug. "Thanks, Tee."
Within minutes, he's left for wherever his gig is today, and Peyton glances at me. She seems infinitely better than before.
"Can we watch a movie?" she asks hopefully.
"What do you want to watch?" I ask her, walking over to the cabinet and opening it. I find something like a hundred movies, all stacked on top of each other.
"Mean Girls!"
I laugh. "Is it good? I've never seen it."
She stares at me. "You haven't lived!! C'mon, put it on!!"
I insert the DVD into the player, and we watch. Peyton was right, this movie was hilarious!
When it finishes, she sighs, and leans back on the couch. "I'm so tired. But that was fun!"
"Yeah, it was! Do you want to sleep?" I ask her, looking at the time. 1 pm. Okay, so I had a bit of time left...
"I might just close my eyes for a second..." she says, adjusting herself. Before I can even sit down, she's fast asleep.
"G'night, Pey," I whisper. I sit there, thinking to myself.
I'd had another nightmare last night, for the first time since the dream about those men. I don't know if that should be deemed normal, or just plain weird. It wasn't like my usual nightmares. 
"You can't take him from me!" I screamed at the shadow.
"He's already mine, he's already mine. And so is she, so is she," he cackled. The two adults, one man, one woman, standing in the cage near the shadow have a glazed expression. What's stranger is, I've never met them before. But I know they're important.
They slowly fade, before disappearing altogether. I fell to my knees, sobbing.
I shudder. Hunter had woken up with me, and he had comforted me the only way he knew how. He sang to me, sang a song on his new album that he's still trying to finish. I remember some of the lyrics.
"But it's alright, this goodbye,
Won't hurt me for too long,
I'll be fine on my own,
It'll take some time,
But I know, that I,
I can find where I belong,
And I'll find it in a song..."
I hum the tune to myself over and over. I have a pounding headache, and I just feel sick. My stomach growls. Oh, what wouldn't I do for something to eat right now?
"Hmm..." I say to myself, opening the pantry. Peyton wouldn't mind... right? No, she wouldn't, she's my sister.
I look at the assortments of biscuits, crackers, cakes, slices, all sorts of snacks.
I stare at them for a full ten seconds, before pulling out my phone and calling Hunter.


"Hi, Hunt!" Tia says happily.
"Hey, Tee! How's Peyton?" I ask, motioning for the band to quiet down for a bit.
"She's sleeping. She had really bad morning sickness today, I left an hour earlier than usual." She sounds worried.
"I'm sure she'll be fine," I try to reassure her. "Is something wrong?" I ask, suddenly. She doesn't normally call when I'm at the studio, she knows that it can ruin a recording session.
"No, no, everything's fine... it's just..."
"Could you go to a bakery and get me something sweet, creamy and chocolatey?"
I'm silent for so long, she thinks that something happened to the connection. "Hunter? Are you still there?"
"Yeah... I'm here. You want something sweet, creamy and chocolatey?" I ask for confirmation.
"Uh, sure."
"Okay, I'm gonna drive back home now. Have fun recording!"
She cuts the call, and I stare at my phone, confused. Strange...
When I get to the bakery, I look around for a bit until I find a box of profiteroles. Something sweet, filled with cream, and a drizzle of chocolate on top. Perfect. I bought a box of eight, and drove home.
When I get home, Tia unlocks the door, smiling. Her hair is in a messy ponytail, and she's wearing her elephant t-shirt with her purple sweatpants again. I kiss her before I pass her the box, and she walks into the kitchen with it. When I walk in after her, I look inside the box. There's only six left. Did she eat two already?
"Do you want one?" she asks, eating another one.
"That's okay," I say. She seems to need it more than I do.
Three profiteroles later, when there's only two left, she smiles at me gratefully.
"Thanks, Hunt. I think I just needed some sugar in my system. I was feeling really tired this afternoon..."
"That'd probably be because you woke up at three in the morning," I point out to her. She smiles apologetically, and I feel myself melt.
"Sorry about that," she says. "I don't know what got into me."
I approach her and kiss her, the chocolate taste being more pronounced because of the profiteroles she had just eaten. Her lips move in sync with mine, and she's breathless when she pulls away.
"How do you always manage to do that?" she asks.
"Do what?"
"Make me breathless and dizzy?"
I frown. "I make you dizzy?"
She turns pink. "Oops."
I laugh, ruffling her hair. "Silly Tia," I say, kissing the top of her head.
"I'm YOUR silly Tia," she reminds me.
"You're all mine," I say, kissing her again.

*A/N: Quick shoutout to softball_babe37, whose fanfic I read recently. Read her fanfic, You're All I Ever Wanted. Okay, that's all from me!! HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!!!!!!!
For the final time in 2013,
Nethii <3*

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now